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June 1, 2013 - Mar. 31, 2014: Wonderful reactions continue as more and more people from around the world discover Random Acts of Beauty:

Random Acts of Beauty is is one of the best albums I've bought in recent years. Made my day hearing that a new one is on its way. (Robert)

David, Random Acts of Beauty is an album you can be VERY proud of. I love it on so many levels. I WILL buy your next album without a doubt. (Ian)

Random Acts is a wonderful CD. The sound of Masquerade brings me to heaven. (Edgardo)

I took a gamble on this CD because it included a track with Andrew Latimer of Camel playing. What a good choice, the whole album is wonderful... The guitar from Justin Minasian is brilliant and the track including Latimer... Wow! (ZB)

A great album! Listening to it at this very moment. (EFG)

I love this CD so much. Blue Rain is absolutely gorgeous! (EG)

Amazing album, beautiful atmospheres! (EZ)

Music as it should be... inspiring. (Pat)

Very beautiful... love it. (PZ)

It is always a joy to discover that there are musicians out there that can still weave a story using music alone. To discover that Andy Latimer, guitarist from Camel, also contributes was a joy. (NJ)

Spectacular album!!! (Daniel)

I have had Random Acts of Beauty almost since its release, and it's a great piece. (Paul)

I really love your album Random Acts of Beauty. I actually bought an extra copy and sent it from the Netherlands to friends in Bahrain. (Ireen)

Thanks to a dear friend, I had the pleasure of hearing Random Acts of Beauty a few years ago. He knew I would like it since I am an avid Moodies fan and your music touches a similar chord in me. (Patti)

Thank you for your beautiful work. (SB)

Feb. 3 - May 31, 2013: More comments from around the web from those who have heard Random Acts of Beauty:

One of the best albums I've heard in my life... This music is good for my heart and my soul... Thank you Mr. Minasian for launching these notes into the universe. (Miguel)

Just discovered you David, superbly beautiful sounds! I love it! (Dan)

Best post-70's progressive rock album I've heard. Easily. (SG)

Stunningly superb!!! So wonderful to hear Andy's supreme guitar style. (DN)

Dave Minasian has a unique gem with "Random Acts of Beauty', sensational melodies and brilliant playing all around, including an Andy Latimer foray that is one of his finest! Symphonic, euphoric and satisfying. (Thomas)

Just ordered this from Amazon, sounds fantastic, can't wait for delivery. It's great there are people out there producing real music. (Andy)

Congratulations for making great and intelligent music. God bless. Viva la Musica! (Rodolfo)

The album indeed is fantastic! (Jef)

Wonderful! (Michael)

Listening to your CD as I type... wonderful... phenomenal. Congrats on a great release. (Charles)

I posted a link to your latest album and got some very positive feedback from friends who know great music when they hear it. (Scott)

There's no question that there is a bit of The Moody Blues in David's music but at the same time it's David's music and talent that shines on the album... David's 20-year-old son Justin Minasian plays some mean electric lead and rhythm guitar on the album... So if you're a fan of The Moody Blues or just great music, check out Random Acts of Beauty. (Ekkarn)

A wonderful piece of work. (Stephen)

This music always makes me think of the beauty in nature. (MK)

Beautiful. The solo (in Masquerade) reminds me of (Camel's) "Ice", and that is saying a lot. (Scott)

Just shows that you don't need 5000 notes per second to play a beautiful guitar solo! Exactly what I have come to expect from Andrew Latimer: Quality, emotion and beauty in spades. Welcome back, Andy. (AC)

Feb. 2, 2013: The following excerpts come from another 5 star Prog Archives review. To read the full review 
How could I have waited over two years to discover this album? To me, this is certainly one of prog's top 5 for the year 2010. David Minasian is known as producer of some of Camel's DVD's... The first two tracks of the album (Masquerade & Chambermaid) remind me of Camel's work from the 1990's (Dust & Dreams, Harbours of Tears, Rajaz)... The disc gives a prominent place to piano, which is no surprise given Minasian's background. There is also an intelligent use of cello, violin, flute...

At this point you may think the result is smooth and warm... this is true... but there is also more of a rock side to it. Best example being "Storming the Castle", a track which includes a great electric guitar riff. But along the whole album, Minasian finds the right balance between acoustic and electric, between soft and energetic. Production is brilliant (no surprise again given Minasian's background) but this allows you to fully enjoy the album.

To conclude, the album's title is fully right: this is an "act of beauty". Just run to get this album. This is a must have - certainly if you appreciate Symphonic prog... but also if you just want to discover something worth it. Hope there will be another Minasian album soon!!

June 6, 2012 - Feb. 1, 2013: As Random Acts of Beauty approaches the two year anniversary of it's release, great comments from around the world continue to pour in:

Superb. Easily my favorite post-70's prog-rock album. All the songs burst with creativity, and great vocals too. The guitar solos are some of the best I've heard, and great synth work as well. (Jared)

This is so beautiful and magical, I love it. (MG)

A very good album from start to finish. David's son is a fine guitarist. (PG)

Love this album. Pretty much every song has a beautiful melody and the guitar playing is top notch. Wonderful stuff. (Jon)

This album is a masterpiece. (Rand)

This CD totally hits the spot when I am in the mood for some Moody Blues or Camel but want something a little different. (Arturs)

Beautiful album, worth the price of admission for Andy's contributions alone. (Rick)

Beautiful album with some really gorgeous melodies. (Moe)

Pure bliss. (GC)

A splendid listening experience throughout. I'm giving it five stars because of the sheer magical wonder or Renaissance feeling I get, and for the goosebumps... a true sign of the music's ability to get under your skin in an emotionally charged way. (Sparky)

If you have never heard this CD, you are really missing out. What an amazing CD. I want more! (Keith)

I love this album. I have just one question... can we expect a follow-up? It would be an instant-buy... (SD)

June 5, 2012: The following extracts come from an extensive 5 star review written by 'tszirmay', one of Prog Archives' premier reviewers. To access the full review 
One only has to wait a few seconds before guest guitarist Andy Latimer unleashes one of the most inspiring axe solos on recent memory; a soaring, emotive and trembling execution of spiritual guitar bliss. 'Masquerade' is a dozen minutes of unpolluted symphonic gratification, expertly structured with a transcendent middle section where the piano, the cruising guitar and stocky rhythmic riffs collide in unanimity, all propelled by a sturdy bass and drum foundation. Added ornamental oboe increases the pleasure multi-fold. Andy also supplies the distressed vocals, a profoundly sensitive expression of melancholia that truly is overwhelming...

The two-faced track 'Storming the Castle' is a precise portrayal of the underlying value of this artist as his luminous piano playing throughout elevates the material beyond the superficial and the bland, providing the ideal foil for blood relative Justin Minasian to scour the guitar horizons with a multitude of inspired solos. It starts out tranquil, pastoral and medieval, suddenly evolving into a harder/hyper climate full of conflict, contrast and delirium...

The subdued 'Blue Rain' certainly is a perfect case in point, with metaphorical ivories coating the cerulean arrangement, anchoring a gorgeous sequence of guitar leads, enormous orchestrations and celestial vocals of the loftiest caliber. If audiophiles seek out impeccable sonic splendor in a quixotic setting, this track will do it, an achingly suggestive musical exploration that numbs the senses. A tremendous cello addition finishes off this amazing and uplifting track.

The ambitiously symphonic and all-instrumental 'Frozen in Time' dishes out the entire gamut of implements in David's arsenal; from lute to flute, from clarinet to cornet and adding church organ strategically only to stamp this with complete prog authority. All the usual suspects play an equally important role with thrilling piano parts, excited guitar explosions, rumbling bass throttles and punchy accentuating drums. The arrangement ebbs and flows accordingly, with darker organ swaths morphing into a breathtaking acoustic guitar section... The pace explodes into a raunchy riff that has uncanny hints of Gentle Giant's classic 'A Cry for Everyone', a bruising, oily and gritty guitar rant that is excruciatingly aggressive under the unexpected circumstances. Flailing drums and haunting mellotron provides the 'coup de grace'...

The luscious 'Summer's End' continues the glorious forlorn melody carved out on 'Blue Rain'... The amazing 'Dark Waters' conjures aquatic images of power and serenity, the ocean's yin and yang imagery perfectly expressed by rivulets of oboe and woodwind that collide with gales of mellotron, guitar whitecaps and waves of rhythmic fury...

Yes, this stuff is romantic, prosaic, dreamy, surreal and melancholic but it's chock full of eye-brow raising moments that are frankly unexpected. The piano playing alone is worth the effort to add this into one's collection, but the quality is definitely there in terms of sympho-prog standards. This is one of those albums that has a definite feminine appeal, ideal to cuddle up with and have the little lady in your life tell you that its very beautiful music! Now how can THAT be bad?

May 26, 2012: The following excerpts are from another great Prog Archives review. For the full review 
David Minasian is a well known composer and video director who actually released his debut solo album as long ago as 1984, but it is this 2010 album that has made many progheads stand up and take notice. Of course many Camel fans know of David as he directed their 'Coming of Age' DVD and here Andy Latimer has repaid the favour by providing guitars and vocals (on one number) on his first outing since 2002. David's son Justin also provided guitars, with Guy Pettet on drums and David everything else...

This is classic prog steeped in the early Seventies and the sounds of The Moody Blues, Al Stewart, Camel, BJH and Renaissance. In many ways it is a very English sounding album and, with the liberal use of mellotrons, it does sound as if it comes from that time as opposed to the present day. This is music that makes me smile... Latimer was having fun no doubt. There are enough Hackett stylings and orchestration to please even the most hardened cynic. If you enjoy prog music then you will love this album, it is as simple as that... Layered and delicate, full of harmonies and melody, who could ask for more?

May 8, 2012: The following excerpts come from an excellent review over at Amazon US. To read the full review 
What a find... Wow, this is symphonic prog music at it's best. Easily the album of the year, easily ranking up there with the classics. The music is so rich and deep. I hang on every note from the first to the last. I bet I have listened to it one hundred times since it came out. About Andy's solo: it is one of his best. Makes me have goosebumps listening to it... The rest of the songs and solos are equally strong. The guitar solos from Justin Minasian are amazing... He has a bright future. The keyboard solos are perfect too. Hopefully Mr. Minasian will be encouraged enough to continue to make music like this.

Jan. 19 - May 7, 2012: More comments from around the web regarding Random Acts of Beauty:

Can I rave? Random Acts of Beauty by David Minasian is a fantastic slice of melodic progrock. (WG)

I can't stop listening to Masquerade (AA)

Beautiful music and an always magical Andy Latimer on the guitar. Superb (Rick)

I can't believe I didn't listen to this earlier!! AMAZING. (SO)

So good to hear Andrew Latimer back in scorching form. The Angel of Guitar comes back to bless this world with his beautiful sounds. Thank you David for blessing us with this. (NZ)

This is so good. And to have Andy playing guitar sounds wonderful, but all the guitar work is brilliant. Thanks for this. (SD)

Being a long-time fan of Camel music, I recently discovered Random Acts and was astonished by the strength and quality of your work. Of course, the Andy contribution is a gem, but the entire album is outstanding, I never get tired of listening to it. Great, great work, truly symphonic progressive rock... I love it!!! (Didier)

It's 8pm here in the Netherlands and dark - 5 degrees celcius and misty. So a perfect time to listen to Dark Waters... for the 6th time now. This music is so nice. (MM)

Just discovered and love Random Acts! Congratulations. Hope to hear more from you soon. (WD)

Love your music!! (Dawn)

Jan. 18, 2012: The following excerpts come from the Jadis Review blog. To locate the full review (in Polish) 
I had never attached importance to the credits appearing at the end of a concert DVD. But if I had read them, I would have known that this guy was involved in the production of Camel's concert videos... Obviously David is a man of considerable talent and instrumental skills and so it was only a matter of time before this disc would come about through the natural order of things... I was motivated to get this album after hearing a portion of the penultimate track Summer's End on Poznan Radio... To this day I think it was one of my best spontaneous purchases... The album opens with Masquerade. The presence of Camel's Andrew Latimer provides this 12 minute work with its atmospheric beauty... For the rest of the album David is accompanied by his 20 year old son Justin on guitar. How well he does can be heard throughout the album... This very much ennobles this young musician in my ears.

The album "Random Acts of Beauty" is a nod to fans of music from the period of early 70's progrock... it is an artistic breath which gives comfort... Without a doubt, my greatest pride of this album is the prevously mentioned Summer's End... a beautiful fairy tale featuring the most glorious guitar playing. Also noteworthy is Frozen In Time which appears in the middle of the album. It is by far the longest and most complex of the pieces... The instrumental composition Dark Waters serves as an epilogue and corresponds with the style of The Moody Blues... a beautiful way to end the disc... Of all the discs issued in 2010, this CD was my absolute number one and I think that, even in successive years, nothing will come close to the beauty of this music.

Nov. 1, 2011: The following excerpts come from a review found on the Classic Rock Music Blog.

David Minasian's Random Acts of Beauty is another reminder that when you least expect it, the cosmos will conspire to open your ears to music as if for the very first time. Yogi Berra might describe this disc of sensuous and melodic prog-rock as "deja vu all over again". Me, I couldn't keep it out of my player. Multi-instrumentalist Minasian weaves an intoxicating web of old-school prog that harkens back to the best of the genre's halcyon 1970's era. Think Camel and albums such as The Snow Goose and Moonmadness and you'll have some taste of this album's flavor. Minasian even brings in Camel guitarist/vocalist Andy Latimer to play and sing on opening track Masquerade... Minasian (an accomplished video director) himself is a master of creating mood and capturing the atmosphere of times long past. Random's seven tracks flow with an epic sweep and grandeur that create the aural equivilent of a fantasy novel. My only complaint is that Minasian and his 20-year-old son Justin, who joins dad and plays guitar on the bulk of the tracks, have set the bar so high with this that a follow up will be tough.

Oct. 7, 2011: These excerpts come from Ancient Spirit Magazine. The full review (in German) can be located if you 
This is exactly the kind of sound you want to hear at night after a long and stressful day to help you gently slide into the realm of dreams... Keyboard and piano passages determine the scene while David's son Justin distinguishes himself on guitar... I have a real soft spot for the lush keyboard landscapes over which the guitars glide. This is one disc where the sun shines on every track and only very rarely (Frozen In Time) do short violent thunderstorms appear. It should be noted that Camel's Andrew Latimer takes control of the vocals and guitar on the first track Masquerade. This CD is warmly recommended to those who like quiet times accentuated by bombastic guitars. This is balm for the tortured soul... well-rounded enough to suggest you snuggle up with a loved one and see what transpires.

July 7 - Oct. 6, 2011: Below are more of your wonderful random reactions to Random Acts of Beauty:

Great album. Bravo David!!! (GY)

Thank you for putting this together... so appropriate and lovely. I will cherish this... these songs are needed now. (Louise)

The music is close to Wind and Wuthering era Genesis with some hints of Pink Floyd and the Moody Blues during its quieter, melancholic passages... On the song Masquerade, which is a rather long and dark piece, we get to hear the brilliant guitar work and voice of Camel's Andy Latimer... A must for fans of the symphonic side of Camel. (RP)

This is a strong, melodic and emotional album that will appeal to fans of Camel - and not just because it features Andy Latimer. (Chris)

Good stuff. (DS)

I've had this album for nearly a year and I like it very much! In addition to the brillant guitar work of Andy Latimer on the first track, the singing on David Minasian's Random Acts of Beauty reminds me of early Pink Floyd. The album's atmospheric pieces are saturated with powerful guitar solos. For me, it is certainly one of the top 3 discs of 2010. (SM)

A brilliant album! Latimer's guitar is incredible, even divine. I have been listening to this non-stop. (AF)

Very symphonic... Latimer shows that he can still deliver the goods. (FT)

Thank you for this wonderful album. I wish you all the success you deserve. It was heartwarming to hear Andy make the guitar sing like no one else again. (MG)

July 6, 2011: Here are excerpts from a review found on Amazon, France. To view the full review (in French) 
What inspiration! Andy Latimer, the iconic leader of the legendary prog band CAMEL, appears on this great album by David Minasian, an album which is enchanting from the first note to the last. The intervention of the Camel guitarist on the first piece, as poignant as it is, in no way overshadows the quality of the rest of the titles. These are characterized by symphonic arrangements supported by a wealth of instruments, mostly keyboards, that are lush sounding and extremely varied... Guitars of the electric nature are provided primarily by Minasian's son Justin (who seems to have learned quite well from Latimer, the master). The compositions, without being too complex, are beautiful and touching, and overflowing with true moments of emotion ("Summer's End"). The quality and rich sound of this album's production will simply delight your speakers.

Apr. 16 - June 30, 2011: Here are some more of your fantastic reactions to Random Acts of Beauty:

I just bought your new CD last week and I want to tell you it's a GEM. Every song from start to finish is awesome. This just might be my album of the year. It's been awhile since I've been blown away by new music. Your melodies are very beautiful and to me that's the most important thing about music. As a keyboard player myself, it was always all about the melody... Again fantastic music, can't wait for the next one. (DB)

The songs are beautifully arranged, melodic and rather gripping... This album should be bought and listened to by any prog fan! (AL)

Thank you so much David! This is a lovely piece of music and art. It is great to see Andrew playing with you. I gotta say, I felt like I was fliyng so high with this very emotive gem. (SS)

This music is awesome! (SF)

I just wanted you to know that I bought the CD... It is so good!! Congratulations on a job well done. I can't believe that you got Justin Hayward to give his review - how cool is that!! (CA)

David, today I bought your CD. I love this music, it's brilliant. (Ireen)

I love Random Acts of Beauty! (Mark)

Hi from Spain, David. Random Acts Of Beauty is a masterpiece. Keep on progrockin'. (Juan)

Your album is truly amazing, David. (Glen)

Beautiful debut album! (Chris)

Apr. 15, 2011: Here are excerpts from a review found on page 98 of issue 61 of Progression Magazine. To visit the magazine's website 
If this album's only claim to fame was that Camel's Andy Latimer guests on guitar and vocals on opening track "Masquerade", that might be enough to recommend it, especially considering his stellar performance. Fortunately, there's even more here that bears notice. On keyboards, acoustic guitars, and vocals, Minasian (perhaps best known as director of Camel's Coming of Age video) shines with a great clutch of symphonic prog songs. Often, though, it's his son Justin on lead guitar, who's the star of the show. His lyrical phrasing and elegant solos brings songs like "Chambermaid" (where he trades solos with his dad) and "Summer's End" (which has a dramatic breakout section) to life in energetic fashion... Overall this is an excellent slice of beautiful symphonic prog.

Mar. 15, 2011: Below are excerpts from a wonderful review written by Tomas Bonilla Nunez that appears on page 84 of the March edition of This Is Rock Magazine, a Spanish publication. To visit the magazine's website 
This is a very special album, not only for the impressive quality of its content but because it features the work of Andy Latimer... It is not an exaggeration to openly admit that this debut of David Minasian, director and producer of numerous Camel's DVD's, is one of the best symphonic progressive rock albums I've heard in recent years. The music offered by this American with a European soul and amazing talent overflows with pure beauty; blanketed by rows of deep melancholy and emotion. This is melodic symphonic rock, dreamy, romantic, elegant and seductive, in which Minasian (keyboardist, singer, arranger and composer) pays homage to bands like Camel, the Moody Blues, Pink Floyd, Barclay James Harvest, Genesis, Renaissance or the Alan Parsons Project. He's been able to collect and mold these influences into a style that is at once distinctive and personal. The extensive use of mellotron and harpsichord gives the album a lush orchestral style of Baroque classicism which provides contrast to the guitars ~ electric, classical and twelve-string acoustic ~ played by David's son Justin (the exception being the first cut which features Latimer) whose extraordinary work is very mature and inspirational...

This fine tapestry begins with "Masquerade". A beautiful nostalgic theme opens the track which reminds me of the vocal harmonies of Alan Parsons combined with the instrumental abilities of Camel and Pink Floyd. But the truly remarkable aspect is the poignant and tear inducing guitar solo from Andy Latimer along with his emotional melancholic voice... "Storming the Castle' is the first instrumental piece that, after a quiet start in a medieval style similar to Blackmore's Night or Renaissance, surprises the listener with an aggressive and muscular change that has the energy of Rainbow... The "Frozen In Time" suite (14 minutes) is a superb instrumental epic, structured within a neo prog style similar to Pendragon, Quidam, Cyan or Par Lindh, which brings together a multitude of shades and textures ~ light, somber, tense and majestic ~ through a wealth of instrumentation: cathedral organ, lutes, classical and distorted guitars, flutes, and layers of keyboards.

"Summer's End" is another fine work that has a vocal delivery very similar to David Gilmour, a harpsichord that brings to mind the sound of Alan Parsons, and an underscore of emotional climaxes reached through the crescendo of keyboards and the exciting and exceptional electric guitar of Justin, which brings to mind Steve Hackett and John Lees. "Dark Waters' closes the album ~ another excellent instrumental which again includes BJH and Hackett among its references. Its reflective, evocative moments puts the finishing touches to a masterpiece of symphonic rock which is indispensable.

Mar. 7, 2011: Here are excerpts from an excellent Background Magazine review. To view the full review  
Music wise Minasian focuses on composing epic pieces of very melodic keyboard passages with lots of obvious influences from symphonic rock music in the vein of notorious bands from the seventies like Pink Floyd, The Moody Blues, Genesis and Camel. He also directed the highly acclaimed DVD Coming Of Age of a concert by Camel. On Minasian's second album Random Acts Of Beauty (his debut album Tales Of Heroes And Lovers appeared in 1984!) you can hear Andy Latimer singing and playing a heavenly guitar solo. The emphasis on Random Acts Of Beauty lies definitely on melody, pure dynamics and really lots of Mellotron... You can marvel at that solo in the opening track Masquerade. Every time I hear it I'm deeply moved and touched. This man (Mr. Latimer) really can play emotional and heartbreaking solos!

The other six tracks are all a mix of symphonic rock, prog rock and sometimes even neo-classical rock. Most of these mainly long tracks are rather melodic and full of keyboard parts and great guitar solos. These solos are played by Justin Minasian, David's twenty-year old son, who did a great job. David Minasian also used a couple of curious instruments like the harpsichord, the oboe and the flute which all add something extra to the tracks. The longest song Frozen In Time is an instrumental beauty... So if you like dreamy, melodic symphonic rock and the music of Camel then you can buy this album even without listening!

Mar. 1, 2011: The excerpts below appear in the French language progressive rock publication Terra Incognita Magazine, issue #23 page 33, in which David appears on the cover. In addition to the review, there is an interview along with a list of David's all time favorite albums. To read an English translation of this article
David Minasian is a virtual newcomer to the progressive rock scene. Well, almost! This Californian is responsible for producing all of Camel's DVDs. This explains in large part the presence of Andy Latimer on the album's opening piece where the guitarist launches into one of his thrilling, spine-tingling flights. It is not a surprise that Camel is part of the musical references here. But by listening to the tracks "Chambermaid" and "Blue Rain" we can say that the main source of inspiration for Minasian is The Moody Blues and, to some extent, Barclay James Harvest (Summer's End) ~ names that should give you a good idea of where this talented multi-instrumentalist is coming from, with his Mellotron drenched melodic progressive symphonic rock. This however does not prevent Minasian's music from having a little more bite such as during the last portion of "Frozen In Time"... where the tone becomes more aggressive. The fact remains that throughout this disc, fans of progressive symphonic rock will find the melodies simply irresistible. Great work!

Feb. 23 - Mar. 1, 2011: Here are more wonderful reactions to the album from around the world:

David! Random Acts of Beauty is just great! I love the combination of the keyboard and the guitar in your songs. And believe me, your son is going to be the next Andrew Latimer! His guitar playing style and his guitar tone is just fabulous. We are waiting for the next album... (Pasha)

Got your CD in the mail today. It is AMAZING!!!!! Keep up the good work. (Mike)

A beautifully melodic album and one of the year's best. (Jon)

David Minasian - Random Acts of Beauty... Prog rock at its best! (Al)

Last week I received the CD and I must say I've fallen in love with the marvellous music. It's one of the best albums I've gotten in years, so I can only say "thanks" and "keep on going"!!! (Alvaro)

One of the best of 2010. If you enjoy the mellower and more melodic symphonic releases by Camel, BJH and Alan Parsons then this will appeal to you. Each track has its moments of beauty; the lush keyboards, including that great stalwart of the progressive canon - the mellotron, provide a perfect backdrop for some impressive guitar work and soloing, including a cameo from Andy Latimer... a beautiful album by Minasian; 5 stars without hesitation. (BF)

Brilliant music... Rarely do I take to an album so quickly. This is beautiful music with wonderful melodies. The musicianship is first-class. If you are looking for a rock album with classic guitar solos you can chill to in the same vein as Camel, Floyd or Pendragon, then look no further. A must buy! (Peter)

I love the album... Pure beauty. Melody, melody, melody. So great and the guitar solos are fantastic. (SD)

Have really been getting into this one lately. One of the most melodic albums of 2010. Love it! (Jon)

The music is great, David! Kudos! (Claudio)

Feb. 22, 2011: Another great review; this time from Room Thirteen. To access the full review 
Better known for directing films, including 'Coming Of Age' for the band Camel, David Minasian is also an accomplished composer and musician, having successfully penned songs for films. Working in films has enabled him to learn techniques and develop his skills to portray moods with differing soundscapes and effects. 'Random Acts Of Beauty' is a solid piece of symphonic progressive rock. There are some epic compositions and intricate melodies; and the listener is kept riveted by the sheer symphonic enormity of this album. The opening track, 'Masquerade', features the vocals and guitar playing of Minasian's long time friend Andy Latimer of Camel. The track is sumptuous with its mixture of melancholic keyboards and... searing guitar... The atmospheric 'Chambermaid' is next... The overall feel of this track is much different from the first and epitomises the versatility of the composer. The listener is transported to medieval times with the introduction to 'Storming The Castle' before the tempo is upped and the heavy guitar is introduced; Justin Minasian showing his prowess with some speedy, intricate work.

The emotional 'Blue Rain' follows before the long instrumental 'Frozen In Time'. If you thought that prog rock was dead, think again; this track sounds fresh and is filled with memorable moments. Unlike the overindulgences from the some of the older prog rock bands of the past, the fusing of classical and rock tempos and instruments here gives a pleasing result. This is symphonic progressive rock at it's best; just enough orchestration, just enough rock. Throughout the album the use of multi-layered vocals is often used; this is especially evident in 'Summers End'. Acoustic guitar and synthesisers also feature along with the obligatory lead guitar break to keep it all together. The synthesiser work here deserves a mention, as does the overall exquisite phrasing of the piece. The album finishes with 'Dark Waters'; where clarinet meets piano and synthesiser. A fitting end to a great album, the atmosphere is gentle and the mood is slow; the instrumental arrangement featuring some excellent guitar... it's what you'd expect from an accomplished musician and composer. 'Random Acts Of Beauty' is a great piece of work and keeps alive the traditions of symphonic progressive rock.

Feb.6 - 21, 2011: Here are more random reactions to Random Acts of Beauty from around the web:

I honestly cannot believe how anyone would not put this among the best albums they have ever heard if they are a fan of progressive symphonic rock. (GP)

If you know/like Camel, BJH, Moody Blues or Mike Oldfield, this cd is a feast for the ears... What a great cd. Worth every penny, twice! (Roco)

I have been really getting into the Minasian CD lately. I find it to be quite a moving piece and the melodies are exceptional. (Jon)

David Minasian's classical training provides an unanticipated richness and symphonic complexity to melodies that are haunting in their melancholy and breathtaking in unexpected luminosity. This is one progressive rock album I will listen to time and again. (Johanna)

Love your new work Random Acts of Beauty. Congrats from Mexicali. (Ricardo)

Decided to check you out on youtube. Gotta say, you've got yourself a new fan. (Ab)

Let me tell you your music is just great!!! (Fernando)

"Frozen in Time" is really very good and so is "Masquerade" and "Blue Rain". I love all the songs and can't stop playing it. (IC)

Random Acts Of Beauty is for sure one heck of an album. Fantastic Prog all over the record. Having Andy Latimer on the album is awesome. (Soren)

Great album.. I loved hearing Andy's voice and guitar on that opening track. (JW)

One of the best symphonic rock albums I've heard in the recent years. Superb and highly recommended for all Camel fans in particular, and prog fans in general! (TB)

This music is awesome! (SF)

Great album. Love Masquerade and all the progressive bits on all the tracks. My favourite is track 5 Frozen In Time! A true gem. (PS)

I now have this album (thanks Prog Rock Records for fast delivery) and it is unquestionably the best album released since Martin Orford's The Old Road (which is also absolutely brilliant). Congratulations to all involved in making such a fantastic album. (MH)

Feb. 5, 2011: Here's a review from Revolution Music.

At age 15, David Minasian decided not to become a professional classical pianist and instead began working with film. He has produced and directed more than 60 films and DVD projects but still finds time to release albums. The latest was started at the urging of Camel guitarist Andrew Latimer, who also contributes to the song "Masquerade". It is not hard to believe that Minasian has written some film music because with this album, there are many places where one can imagine images to the music.

The 7 songs contain long instrumental passages where the soundscapes are paramount. Not surprisingly, piano and other keyboard instruments serve as a base and then are further built upon. Atmospheres are not restricted to basic instruments though, as many beautiful guitar melodies, not only in the aforementioned opening track, but also in "Chambermaid" for example where the guitar sound is similar to Mike Oldfield. The work features a large amount of instrumental passages which doesn't mean there are a lack of vocal touches. These fit nicely within their surroundings and sound somewhere between Pink Floyd and Supertramp. Throughout the whole disc there are many beautiful moments.

Jan. 16 - 31, 2011: More of your incredible reactions to Random Acts of Beauty:

Enthralling is a word that comes to mind. You can be very proud of what you've accomplished. Love the album big time. (CT)

Your album is stunning throughout. I have been listening to it for most of the afternoon. All the tracks are very special indeed, but for me, "Masquerade", "Dark Waters" and especially "Summer's End" never fail to give me goosebumps. I hope you go onto even better things; meanwhile you have pleased a lot of people. (DM)

Random Acts of Beauty is an awesome and energetic album. (SE)

I love your work and your new album!! Greetings from Mozambique. (Ilda)

Thank you for spreading your great talent in the progressive world!!!! (OP)

Wow. Awesome music. Very, very nice. Memories return of Camel, BJH, & the Moodies. (Ronald)

Andy Latimer rocking out on Random Acts of Beauty! Fabuloso!!!! (Ferra)

What a find! Very impressive! When surfing the Amazon prog music scene... I ran across this gem - a true diamond! I have been listening to Random Acts of Beauty steadily. Simply beautiful symphonic prog with all the appropriate elements of the genre. Not overblown nor pretentious. Moments of ripping guitar, and multi-layered keyboard through-out. The singing is mellow and matches the music. Great music. Highly recommended. (CA)

Amazing. Very nice music! Dim the lights, where's my headphones, where's the incense... (Praha)

So good to hear Andy Latimer of Camel fame playing as only he can. (PT)

Andrew's contribution to the opening track Masquerade lifts the song to the super league. (CF)

The album reminds me of so many great bands - Camel, Mostly Autumn, BJH, but it's not derivative in any way. Wonderful. (MH)

Your album is very beautiful! (RD)

Without a doubt this is the absolute leader of my top 10 list of 2010. A beautiful fairytale... the music makes me melt. It's been a long time since music this beautiful has appeared. (Jadis)

Masquerade is an awesome song! I get goosebumps every time I hear that first note of the guitar solo. (Matt)

I bought your album... a great one! Greetings from Brazil. (Paulo)

Wow, listening to Random Acts of Beauty again today. Love this album. I know a lot of people just focus on Andy Latimer's contributions, but the album as a whole is stunning... I have been recommending it to everyone. (DG)

Jan. 15, 2011: The following excerpts appear in issue #13 of Classic Rock Presents Prog Magazine. The full review can be found on page 96.

Random Acts of Beauty is a classy and beguiling album... The tracks have all been shaped with precision but also notably infused with heartfelt sentiment. Blue Rain is the type of reflective ballad that would appeal to those who adored Camel's The Snow Goose album, and the elegant interwoven passages of Masquerade even feature vocals and a fine guitar solo from Camel's Andy Latimer... The 14 minute instrumental Frozen In Time contains grinding guitars and contemporary sounding melodies and Dark Waters is similarly engaging. This is an album which should elevate Minasian out of obscurity.

Jan. 3 - 14, 2011: Here are more of your wonderful responses to Random Acts of Beauty:

The music speaks for itself - more than written words can say. Truly a masterpiece of progressive rock. (Zabce)

David and Justin: I live in San Paulo in Brazil. Just wanted to tell you that this weekend I was with friends on a ranch and together we listened to your album, one of the best albums of all time in the (prog rock) genre... We appreciate your great work. (Alexandre)

I've read the many comments about your masterpiece "Random Acts of Beauty". I'm happy for the success you've reached, you really deserve it! And again many compliments to Justin. You must be proud of him! His electric guitar sound is excellent! (GC)

Random Acts of Beauty was album of the year for me. (SS)

Love the album (Kevin)

I've been listening to your CD and I see why it's been such a success. (LM)

Congratulations on a great piece of work... Here's to much success to you, David. Absolutely terrific album. (Nizzy)

Great music. And a great sound. (SD)

Excellent stuff indeed (K&MD)

A gift that will keep on giving you wonderful feelings for a long time - reviewers are touting this David Minasian creation as the album of the year. It is in my book. (GP)

Jan. 2, 2011: Another excellent review of Random Acts of Beauty, this time from Jerry Lucky. To read the full review 
I can't think of too many artists that take a 26 year break between releases, but that's exactly what David Minasian did... I'd say the wait has been worth it. On the disc multi-instrumentalist Minasian (vocals, keyboards, guitar, bass, drums, orchestrations) is joined by his son Justin (guitars) and Guy Pettet (drums). He also has as a special guest Camel's Andrew Latimer providing vocals and guitar on the CD's opening track "Masquerade" (12:32). This is a wonderful disc of symphonic progressive rock that touches all the right marks old and new.

Random Acts of Beauty features seven tracks most of which are on the longish side. The overall musical feel will remind you of early Moody Blues or Barclay James Harvest and perhaps a little Camel. The songs are on the mellow side with lots of Mellotron and soaring guitar lines. The Mellotron in particular in the way it's played and recorded evokes that Moody Blues feel. These compositions move effortlessly through various moods and feelings and where the vocals appear they're layered with an emphasis on multi-tracked harmonies... The listener is treated to some very warm and majestic instrumental passages in these compositions. All in all David Minasian has really captured a mood here. The lush orchestrations building up some classic guitar and synth lead lines is both nostalgic and forward looking in that it really doesn't in any way sound dated... Random Acts of Beauty is a really good disc, thoroughly enjoyable from start to finish.

Jan. 1, 2011: The following excerpts appear in the January issue of Quebec Audio & Video magazine.

A filmmaker, pianist, and producer of soundtracks and DVD's, including those for Camel, David has been in the business quite awhile and his journey has allowed him to touch many lives... Random Acts of Beauty is only his second solo album; his first one, Tales of Heroes and Lovers, dates back 25 years. Flanked by several musicians including his son Justin on guitar and legendary guitarist (Andrew Latimer) of the mythical Canterbury group (Camel), pianist/vocalist David responds with virtuosity. The multi-instrumentalist delivers an album of pure progressive rock, quite symphonic... Even if the influence of Camel is evident, lovers of the solo works of Steve Hackett, Anthony Phillips, and Nick Magnus should find it to their liking... Random Acts is really a superb piece of music.

Dec. 30, 2010: Here are excerpts from another excellent Prog Archives review. To read the full review 
As a longtime Camel fan I was excited to hear something new from Andy Latimer after such a long absence. Andy plays guitar and sings on the first track Masquerade, and what a track it is... Andy's lead soars over a lush mellotron backdrop... For the rest of the album, Davids son Justin takes over the guitar work. The middle section of Chambermaid features an extended instrumental break right out of the Genesis playbook with sustained Hackett-like guitars, swirling Banks-like keyboards, and bass pedals which will test the limits of your sound system. Storming the Castle begins like a Blackmore's Night track then suddenly morphs into heavy rock with blistering leads on moog and guitar. A very cool track.

Blue Rain provides the CD with its most gorgeous moments, highlighted by beautiful oboes, piano, harpsichord, and stunning Gilmour-like guitar leads... Summer's End to me sounds like the ultimate Barclay James Harvest track with its heart wrenching guitar leads over a lush background of mellotron, piano, and heavy bass. In fact, the whole album is drenched in mellotron and melancholy. Much of the music has a classical feel to it reminiscent of some of Jethro Tull's material (Velvet Green, etc.). And the melodies are some of the most memorable I've heard... This is a one-of-a-kind album that has been created with great care and excellent musicianship... A definite 5 star masterpiece of symphonic prog.

Dec. 27, 2010: Here are excerpts from an article that appeared in the Milwaukee Express. To access the full article 
If James Cameron decided to halt work on the Avatar sequel and the 3-D conversion of Titanic to record a progressive-rock album, it would probably sound quite a bit like David Minasian's lofty, keyboards-rich Random Acts of Beauty. Minasian also is a film director (plus multi-instrumentalist, vocalist and composer), just a much less famous one than Cameron. In prog circles, his name might ring a bell with fans of Camel, the band whose new DVD, The Opening Farewell, Minasian produced and directed. He recruited Camel vocalist/guitarist Andrew Latimer for the lush opening track, "Masquerade"... Random Acts of Beauty boasts soaring orchestration, lengthy arrangements and gorgeous melodies that evoke Pink Floyd, The Moody Blues and Camel...

Dec. 27, 2010: The folllowing review comes from the Dutch website Laser Radio.

Random Acts of Beauty is the official debut album from American David Minasian (there were earlier albums that were self published). David has long been involved with the band Camel in his capacity as editor and supervisor of their DVD collection... This album includes for the first time in years a guitar solo from Camel's Andrew Latimer. The music is not a copy of Camel but an amalgamation of 1970's style symphonic rock. Influences from the Moody Blues, Barclay James Harvest, and King Crimson can be heard. To hear this track is to hear how the guitar of Latimer would sound combined with the Mellotron of Mike Pinder of the Moodies... Justin Hayward of the Moodies has even stated his appreciation for the track Blue Rain, a track that could have come from Seventh Sojourn.

Dec. 16, 2010: Excerpts from Sea of Tranquility contributor Alex Torres' wonderful review of Random Acts of Beauty are below. To read his full review 
David Minasian's debut album will be a delight for fans of classic English bands Camel and Barclay James Harvest, with particular emphasis on their pre-1978ish periods. There are other influences in there, of course, most significantly "classic 7" Moody Blues and Pink Floyd... The album includes a rare modern appearance by Andy Latimer, who has been recovering from a serious illness, on vocals and guitars on "Masquerade". Having Latimer work on the album, at such a time, is not only an honour but a compliment to the quality of Minasian's music... There are other musicians joining him on the album; most notably his son Justin, who plays electric lead and rhythm guitars, as well as acoustic and classical guitars. The line-up is completed by Guy Pettet and Don Ray Reyes Jr., who share the drumming duties, and Nick Soto, who guests on rhythm guitar on "Chambermaid". The lushness of this soundscape is indicated by the range of instruments that Minasian himself tackles. Through keyboards alone we get grand piano, mellotron, harpsichord, moog, pipe organ, organ, cello, violin, oboe, flute, recorder, clarinet, French horn, cornet, dulcimer, sitar and voices...

The tempo, for me, is vital to this sort of music... it gives the music huge breathing space to allow the beauty of the melodies and of the arrangements to shine. And as both the melodies and the arrangements are divine, the tempo is spot on! The complexity is such that one needs more than a couple of listens to fully appreciate its beauty but allowing oneself that luxury means that successive listens bring intense satisfaction... The long guitar solos are in a style very similar to BJH's John Lees's live style... although Justin adds a couple of fast flourishes the like of which do not appear in Lees's playing... Like all of the best albums, Random Acts of Beauty overall has a very cohesive feel; the compositions fit well together and Minasian has hit upon and maintained a "key" soundscape that pervades the music.

Dec. 15, 2010: Excerpts from Olav Bjornsen's review for the Progressor website are below. To read the full review 
The album resides within the symphonic parts of the art rock universe, with an emphasis on rich, atmospheric excursions. I get the impression that most of the material has at least initially been written on the piano, as wandering and circulating piano motifs form the foundation on most themes explored... A variety of different tangents is added to this basic motif, with rich, majestic and at times majestic atmospheres created, with an emphasis on strong moods and distinct melodies, always and at all times harmonic... From mellow and almost pastoral themes, featuring piano, harpsichord and vocals only, to richly textured excursions that might as well have been performed by a classical symphonic orchestra, these pieces effortlessly explore a musical landscape with varied expressions, fluent development and a sensitive and effective utilization of subtle effects.

The epic-length instrumental Frozen in Time is probably the most diverse of these numbers, where straightforward symphonic themes are blended in with more folk-oriented expressions as well as elongated passages closer to progressive metal in overall intensity... If you enjoy symphonic art rock of the variety that has a strong emphasis on richly layered, distinctly harmonic and highly melodic themes, "Random Acts of Beauty" should be a production that will be regarded as aptly named and a splendid example of this particular expression... It is most certainly a strong contender for the most beautiful production of 2010, and highly recommended to those who tend to have a soft spot for the melodic parts of the art rock universe, in particular dedicated fans of acts such as Camel and The Moody Blues.

Dec. 15, 2010: Here are excerpts from a review by Rock Underground.

Attention prog gourmets! A very fine work has been placed before us. In recent years, David Minasian has served as a producer and director of DVD's (for prog legend CAMEL). His first record dated 1984 was followed by a collaborative effort with William Drews in 1996. David also stayed active as a composer for other artists. With Random Acts of Beauty he has created a wonderful work that flows quietly, often using classical instruments which immediately touches the listener... This Barclay James Harvest meets Pink Floyd work is a real jewel.

Dec. 12, 2010: Excerpts from Scott Ward's truly amazing review from the Sea of Tranquility website are below. To locate the full review 
Random Acts of Beauty contains a musical gift that cannot help but touch your soul and make you feel better about yourself and the world around you. He has created a masterpiece which will touch your ears, mind, heart and most of all your soul. What sounds like a gong opens the show followed by a piano that reflects the classical training David has received and then his voice which falls somewhere between Justin Hayward and David Gilmour starts the first tale called "Masquerade". These 12 minutes are a stunning example of masterful songwriting at its best. With a dramatic flair that will take your breath away this soaring work of art stands as one of the best pieces of music that I have heard this year. If that is not enough then add long time friend and leader of the band Camel Andrew Latimer on guitar with a few vocals thrown in and you have a collaboration of staggering proportions... This disc is by no means a one shot deal. It is filled with magnificent music from start to finish and long time progressive rock fans will find many a reference point along the way. The Moody Blues, Pink Floyd, David Gilmour, Camel, Yes, Mannheim Steamroller and a host of other bands could be influences by what Minasian has produced. Hopefully this disc will put his name right there with the afore mentioned list.

The melancholy "Chambermaid" is the Moody Blues moment on the disc. With a melody that takes you dreamily along with just a hint of electric guitar for that full bodied flavor, Minasian and his keyboard wizardry once again astounds the listener and makes you feel as well as hear what he is projecting. Fans of the Octave period Moodies will be instantly carried away with this beautifully crafted piece. David brings so much life to his music that you cannot help but be touched by what he has done. When you get to the amazing "Storming The Castle" the knights on horseback will be riding by your side as this powerful instrumental work captures the essence of his subject perfectly... Minasian has rekindled my love of great melodic, beautiful music as he has managed to create something that not only is a pleasant listening experience but a total emersion in the musical aura he creates. Not often are you totally swept away by the music you hear but this is one that does so and also takes you to a much better place than where you started from.

I could go on and on about all the treasures that this album holds for the listener. Each gem on the disc has a unique and irresistible charm that only gets better each time it is played. The simple undisputable fact is that this album is as close to perfection as it gets. All you have to do is hear the complexities of a song like "Frozen In Time" with its layer upon layer of instrumentation and it is easy to see that this is not your ordinary album by any means. I almost forgot to mention that the extremely brilliant guitar work on most of the disc is done by David's son Justin. I guess we don't have to ask him what he wants to be when he grows up! Justin has a style that reflects his dad's musical path perfectly and I am sure we will also be hearing much more from this very talented musician. Well, the long and the short of it is Random Acts Of Beauty needs to be in your collection. There is no way that you can come away from listening to it and not feel better.

Dec. 10 - 12, 2010: Here are more of your random responses to Random Acts of Beauty:

Brilliant!! congratulations! (Fernando)

Amazing, and I'm glad I found it 'randomly', lol. Good music. (Savanah)

Magnificent album! Beautiful music! Bravo. (Gerard)

Your CD is awesome and so full of energy. Today's music is lacking in material of high quality, yours goes beyond that... Andy Latimer made this something to cherish!! Your talent on keyboards amazes me. (David)

Your new album is really amazing! (Michael)

I like your new album so much! (Parsa)

Quite Amazing. (GC)

Everyone seems to love the album - myself included. (Donnie)

Terrific album, currently top of my personal 2010 albums' list. Looking forward to the follow up. (Julian)

By sheer chance, I came in contact with your Random Acts of Beauty album, and I must say that I really love it. I actually am listening to it right now, with a nice whisky on the side. I'm really impressed with the music, and it gives me great joy to find such a piece of art in our day and age. (Per)

I've had the album Random Acts of Beauty since October. Your music is sublime and brings me to heaven. (JR)

I just discovered "Random Acts of Beauty" and I'd like to say for me, there's nothing "random" about it! It's amazing - got to be my top album of 2010. Thank you for the music David! (Jock)

This disc is awesome! (Zyxel)

A mixture of the best of Camel and Genesis. (John)

Superb album, David! Beautiful, deep and marvelous sound. Andy Latimer's guitar sounds fantastic, fine and emotional... You've captured with inspiration the essence of Camel, Pink Floyd, Moody Blues or Barclay James Harvest... Congratulations on an extraordinary job. (Tomas)

David Minasian, Andy Latimer - Thanks for the music! (Ivan)

Dec. 9, 2010: Here is a review from Rock Area. To locate the full review (in Polish) 
This disc, which I have the pleasure of reviewing, is not a work of Andy Latimer but has a lot in common with him. David Minasian is not only a musician, a multi-instrumentalist, he is also the producer and director of many Camel DVDs including Coming of Age, Curriculum Vitae and Moondances. It was Latimer who encouraged Minasian to record his own album. And it is on this album that we can be the first to cheer the recovery of Latimer and his crying guitar sounds and voice (even though he appears only on the opening track Masquerade). David Minasian is responsible for most of the instruments and vocals... and it is his keys which are primarily responsible for the beauty and atmosphere of this album.

The musical presence of Andy Latimer highlights the importance of the album. His unique guitar sound will simply bring a tear to the eye. And when finally, at the end, you hear his voice, it will feel as if you've suddenly heard from a friend who has returned from a long journey. I realize that the presence of Latimer on this disc will induce many to purchase it, but believe me, the entire album is worthy. Not only the first track, but the entire thing has a Camelesque aura... Regarding the timbre of Minasian's voice, it really reminds me of the vocal style of Phideaux Xavier, which is a big positive. This disc should really gladden the hearts of those romantics who have a taste for warm, inspired progressive sounds.

Dec. 8, 2010: Here is a review from Atmospheric Magazine, a metal publication. To read the full review (in Polish) 
David Minasian is an American multi-instrumentalist and composer who gained fame as a producer and director of concert DVDs for Camel. After many years, he decided to do something on his own and prepared the album Random Acts of Beauty branded with his name. While he plays most of the instruments, he is helped out by his 20 year old son Justin (guitars) and drummer Guy Pettet, and on the opening composition, the champion Andy Latimer (who plays a solo and sings). Masquerade takes 12 minutes to unfold and from the first bars reflects the character of the entire disc... The music is close to the balladry of Barclay James Harvest, The Moody Blues, and Pink Floyd... The songs are primarily based around keyboards, particularly piano... The album has a subtle mood, sometimes extremely fabulous, sometimes medieval (Storming the Castle). It can definitely soothe palpitations, mute twisted emotions, and move you into a world of imagination.

Dec. 8, 2010: The January 2011 issue of Classic Rock Magazine features a discussion of Random Acts of Beauty on page 107:

This record is a prime example of classically influenced, Mellotron drenched symphonic prog. Andy Latimer (Camel) contributes guitar and vocals to Masquerade, which wafts along like an old Moody Blues nugget, but the highlight is the 14 minute Frozen In Time, a stunningly crafted, medieval-tinged piece of work that Wakeman would be proud to call his own.

Dec. 6, 2010: This review is from the Magic Fire Music website.

Attention fans of Camel, Pink Floyd, and others; I have something for you. It's called David Minasian... The gentleman certainly knows how to take his time. Indeed, Random Acts of Beauty is only his second musical adventure. The first, entitled Tales of Heroes and Lovers, dates back to 1984 - an eternity in music. For his 2010 return, David Minasian (keyboards, Mellotron, organ, bass, percussion) is surrounded by his son Justin (guitar), and Guy Pettet and Don Ray Reyes Jr., both on drums. We also note the presence of Andrew Latimer (Camel) on the opening track Masquerade on vocals and guitar... The music is almost spiritual at times (Blue Rain) and has intense emotion. You can feel the passion eminating through the music from the man who has composed it... The power of the disc comes from the class and finesse of the compositions. The music is never allowed to slip into monotony. Despite the length of some of these tracks (Frozen In Time for example), David has structured the songs in a manner that is quite exciting and interesting. The Pink Floydian Summer's End is certainly worthy of worship. RPWL you say? Not Minasian. He goes much further, approximating the magnificently grandiose hand of Gilmour himself... You should turn your attention toward Random Acts of Beauty.

Dec. 5, 2010: Here is a review from the Imperiumi website. To locate the full review (in Finnish) 
It appears keyboardist David Minasian has spent a lot of quality time with his guitarist son who expertly assists with his father's latest solo album Random Acts of Beauty. It's been a while since the recording of Minasian's previous solo album. However, the reason for the slow pace is by no means the result of slacking off. As primarily a film director, the various projects of Minasian have more or less taken up his time during the last 20 years. For example, he has had a hand in such films as The Joyriders as well as a number of Camel DVD releases.

Without Camel guitarist Andy Latimer's nudging, Random Acts of Beauty probably would have taken even longer. Latimer heard the DVD producer's compositions and encouraged Minasian to record the music so everyone could enjoy it... The resulting Random Acts of Beauty is a progressive rock disc containing tremendous compositions, timeless atmospheres, and lyrical beauty. Central to the disc is the stylish keyboards of David Minasian along with guitars played by his son, which sees the offspring influenced by both Andy Latimer and Steve Hackett... Significantly, Andy Latimer makes an appearence on the 12 minute long opening track Masquerade, which is the Camel guitarist's first studio effort in 8 years...

David Minasian gets along well as a soloist whose vocal mannerisms are reminiscent of Steve Hackett and the classic recordings of the Moody Blues. In particular, the Hackett atmosphere is present on Chambermaid while the Moody Blues' spirit can be found on the ballad Blue Rain. To counteract the vocal tracks, the disc contains several relevant instrumental tracks of which Storming the Castle is one of the highlights. The song begins with a Genesis-type landscape before evolving into an Erik Norlander style crescendo featuring surging keyboards and guitars. Much more moderate is the 14 minute instrumental Frozen In Time which sounds as if Rick Wakeman were working with Camel.

Old friends of David Minasian may rejoice in the album's closing track Dark Waters which is an updated version of an instrumental track titled Vampyre taken from his 1984 solo debut album Tales of Heroes and Lovers. The song acts as a bridge from his past to his present recordings found on Random Acts of Beauty... As such, it's easy to see that progressive rock is most certainly not dead.

Dec. 3, 2010: Here's a nice review taken from i-tunes. To read the full review 
The first track, Masquerade, features guitar work and vocals by the legendary Andrew Latimer of Camel. This is one of my favorite tracks. The vocals on the album are very melodic and I would say similar to Camel and a bit like the Moody Blues... Musically the music is progressive rock influenced, but not so progressive as to chase away those listeners who are not into prog. Naturally the first song having the performance of Latimer sounds a bit like Camel... There is plenty of piano and keyboards along with some fantastic guitar work which reminds me a lot of some of Steve Hackett's best work... One of my favorite jams on this album is in the song Frozen In Time. There is a great instrumental bit that reminds me of Kansas in their Leftoverture era with perhaps a bit of ELP mixed in... If you are a Camel fan I say buy it for the Latimer guest spot but I'm sure you will find yourself enjoying every aspect of this album.

Dec. 1, 2010: Another wonderful review of Random Acts of Beauty, this time from Metal Perspective.

David Minasian is a classically trained pianist, who in the 80's chose to follow another career path (the one of filmmaking). His personal path crossed Camel's in the 90's and he's been involved (supervising, directing, or producing) in seven of their DVD's so far. And that's where Andy Latimer comes into the picture. He encouraged Minasian to record a new album (his debut was released in 1984 under the title "Tales of Heroes and Lovers") and furthermore, he played the guitar solo and sang vocals on the opening track. "Masquerade" sets the tone for the rest of the record perfectly, as Random Acts Of Beauty is melodic symphonic prog in the pure 70's tradition. Moreover, it showcases Minasian's strong classical roots, his talent in delivering a deeply ethereal yet melancholic sound, the clever use of long forgotten musical instruments (grand piano, mellotron, harpsichord, Moog, pipe organ, cello, oboe, flute and sitar), the lush orchestration and some heavy parts (second half of "Storming The Castle"). All these and much more are there for you to discover. However, if I had to find one word to describe it, it would have to be dreamlike. David's son, Justin, makes quite an impact with his guitar solos on "Blue Rain" (very David Gilmouresque) and "Summer's End" (somewhat reminiscent of Barclay James Harvest), both firm faves off this unexpectedly wonderful album.

Nov. 28, 2010: Random Acts of Beauty received a nice mention in the latest edition of Strutter magazine.

Multi-instrumentalist DAVID MINASIAN is a well-known film and video director, with a back catalogue of over 60 movies and DVDs, but now takes a challenge to record a full CD on his own. The included music is semi-instrumental Progressive Rock with a clear focus on typical proggish keyboardwork and lovely melodic calm guitarwork that will be appreciated by both prog and aor fans out there. A few vocal tracks are included between the 7 tracks, but the main focus is long instrumental passages that sound very atmospheric, calm and laid-back. Highly recommended to fans of old GENESIS, CAMEL, BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST and PINK FLOYD.

Nov. 26, 2010: Here's an excellent review posted to Zeitgeist. To locate the full review 
David Minasian is a new name to me, but he's been working in the world of music and film for a long time now. This is actually his second solo album, although seeing as how it's been 26 years since the first one, we can look at this as a fresh beginning. Before I'd even pushed play, I'd mentally decided on this being an album of quiet grandeur, of stately symphonic prog rock. And that was just from looking at the cover! Usually my expectations are dashed, but this time around they were exceeded a hundredfold. Because this is my favourite prog release of the year. The majority of the music here is fairly laid back, dreamy prog that could easily have graced classic Moody Blues or Camel albums from the seventies. Mr. Minasian has taken keyboard driven prog rock off into the stratosphere in places, bringing in Pink Floyd style elements and some strands of mid-seventies Yes. But with his ever so soft vocals and fabulous compositions, it's always his release.

The opening track, 'Masquerade' is one of the highlights, and even features the guitar work of Andrew Latimer from Camel... There's plenty of time for both of them to shine as the song slowly unveils itself over twelve minutes. There are three instrumental tracks on the album with 'Storming The Castle' the best of them. It's a rare chance for Mr. Minasian to kick out his particular jams, and there is some fabulous guitar work from his son, Justin. Out of all the exquisite tracks on offer, it's 'Frozen In Time' that is the winner for me... a full-on, proper, everything including the kitchen sink, over the top progressive masterpiece that throws lutes, flutes and a cathedral organ into the mix. It's utterly insane and utterly fantastic. In fact, I'm a wee bit dizzy just thinking about it. It's the best symphonic prog album I've heard in years, and the best prog album, full stop, of this year. Essential listening.

Nov. 26, 2010: Here's a fun review from 'Wally' at Rock United. To read the full review 
Oh, mighty Mellotron & Moog - where are they now??? Look no further as this platter's got lots of them. David Minasian is a multi-talented musician, composer and video director who has penned songs for films and directed over 60 films and DVD's, including Camel's (the band, not the cigarette brand nor the animal) highly acclaimed concert DVD "Coming Of Age". By the way, Camel's Andrew Latimer sings (and plays guitar) on the opening track "Masquerade". David on the other hand is responsible for all material, production, as well as (hold your breath while reading out loud) - keyboards (grand piano, mellotron, harpsichord, moog, pipe organ, organ, cello, violin, oboe, flute, recorder, clarinet, french horn, cornet, dulcimer, sitar, voices), acoustic guitars, bass, drums, percussion, all lead vocals... David's twenty year old son plays all other guitars on this album.

The CD "Random Acts Of Beauty" is firmly rooted in the seventies U.K. classically influenced symphonic prog rock tradition... in the vein of: Camel, BJH (Barclay James Harvest), Mike Oldfield, Moody Blues, Pink Floyd, King Crimson, and possible even early Genesis... Minasian is quite a cheeky little monkey though as this definitely feels and sounds like something recorded 30, 35+ years ago... The result? Well, the keyboard orchestrations, soaring melodies and extented length compositions are more than decent enough, and there's a medieval feel to several tracks (mostly due to the overkill of harpsichord, cello, an entire horn section, etc)... It's otherwise a quite remarkable atmospheric album, where the listener can spend hours finding several different layers of old Plush-Prog. Final verdict: You need to spend quite some time with the compositions, just like a fine bottle of wine, you need to let it breathe for a while, since it's hardly easy listening music for the kiddies. However, it's probably too "posh" and pretentious for its own good at times, and you can't help to wonder if Minasian is a total and utter (control) freak.

Nov. 26, 2010: Here are excerpts from ProgBrazil's take on Random Acts of Beauty. To locate the full review (in Brazilian) 
The work of American musician David Minasian in the progressive scene has already been around for some years. As a producer and director, he has created nearly 60 DVD projects including Camel's highly acclaimed Coming of Age. In recent years, however, he has engaged in the realization of his second job as a musician by creating the wonderful album Random Acts of Beauty, a recent release from ProgRock Records. The disc is overtly symphonic progressive rock featuring a vast array of keyboards... The guitars (at times melodious and quiet, at other times intense) has a special feature - a guest appearance by Mr. Andrew Latimer whose cameo leaves a clear and strong influence of Camel. However, fans of a more melodious Floyd, Renaissance, King Crimson, Fruup, Eloy, Genesis, and Yes will notice some points in common. With Random Acts of Beauty, David Minasian has done a great job at a very high level. Its full dynamic sound will please lovers of symphonic progressive rock as well as lovers of long guitar-led compositions a-la Fripp-Latimer-Hackett-Gilmour-Howe.

Nov. 21 - 25, 2010: Here are some more of your reactions to the album...

Quite simply an amazing album... If you like Prog Rock but on the melodic side a la Moody Blues, Barclay James Harvest, Alan Parsons Project then this is worth investing in. The guitar playing is somewhere between BJH and Pink Floyd and throughout the album there are traces of Mike Oldfield, 70's Genesis and Camel. In essence if you wanted a hybrid of all these great musicians mixed together, you have it here. David Minasian's vocals are smooth and relate well with the sometimes heavy musicianship herein. (John)

Just downloaded your superb album, David, and congratulations to you for creating such magical music. (Tony)

I haven't stopped listening to it for the last 2 weeks! (Stefan)

My friend Stefan from Greece told me about your new CD "Random Acts of Beauty" ~ the YouTube clip was so beautiful that I purchased the CD before the end of the clip. My favorite song from it is "Blue Rain" ~ and I can't stop playing it! It is so stunningly gorgeous! I love everything about it! Your CD is my new favorite! Thank you for beautiful music! (Evelyn)

Latimer on guitar... I cannot stop trembling (Tom)

Listening to this beautiful album I am brought back many, many times to parts of STEVE HACKETT's early albums: Voyage of the Acolyte, Please Don't Touch, Spectral Mornings, Defector, and Cured. Even the vocals evoke comparisons to many of the softer sides of those five albums... This is an album containing some hauntingly beautiful passages. (BF)

This album is about beauty... Clever melodic Prog of the best kind. (Marty)

First heard a track on Delicious Agony & thought it was something I needed to investigate further... and I'm glad I did. Very dreamy 70's prog! (Vince)

I've just downloaded your album from i-tunes and I congratulate you on its excellence. It's the sort of symphonic prog rock that makes me melt when I hear it. Yearning guitars (I can hear some John Lees there), melodic piano, layered composition. Splendid stuff! (Tony)

Get this album!!!! The songs are all so beautiful. They take you to places you can only dream about. (GP)

This is stupendous, brilliant! (LL)

How long I have waited for this day, the return of Andy Latimer... Upon hearing the first track Masquerade, a 12 minute epic, I froze... Such rich keyboards, stunning lyrics, a beautiful melody, and the crying guitar of Andy Latimer... A must listen for Camel fans! (Bruno)

This is really a great album! Amazing! You cannot listen to it without tears of joy. (Kasukabe)

An irresistable album! (Tommy)

Nov. 20, 2010: Here's an excerpt from a review found on the ZwareMetalen website. To access the full review (in Dutch) 
David Minasian does not need many people around in order for him to do his thing. Besides being a multi-instrumentalist, the man is also a writer and director of films... Random Acts Of Beauty is an hour of progrock featuring the extremely important keyboard work of David. With seven great songs, it seems the Minasians have succeeded in creating top tier progressive rock art for lovers of Steve Hackett or some of the more essential works of David Gilmour.

Nov. 16, 2010: Here are excerpts from Rock Realm's review of Random Acts of Beauty.

David Minasian has a long and varied history in arts and entertainment. Not only is he an accomplished musician, he's a well regarded video producer and director. Tying those together is some of his best known work: the DVD's he did for English prog rockers Camel; one of his own music videos which ended up on MTV; and the lead song from the soundtrack to the movie "The Joyriders". With musical inspirations covering Genesis, Yes, Jethro Tull, Renaissance, Barclay James Harvest, Strawbs, and more, it's little surprise the man's music is overtly progressive. The songs on "Random Acts Of Beauty" are deep and dreamy... Joining David - who plays grand piano, harpsichord, mellotron, moog, 12 string acoustic guitars, bass, and performs lead vocals - is his 20 year old son Justin Minasian - playing electric guitars - along with special guest Andrew Latimer (Camel) who appears on the track 'Masquerade'... This is a wonderfully mellow, atmospheric release... There is a huge amount of utterly beautiful musicianship, and David's son is a revelation on guitar. I suspect this won't be the last we'll hear form him, not by a long way. At points throughout the album, it's easy to wonder why all music can't sound this good. The artwork is fantastic too... This is one of those albums where every song offers something... It's worth listening all the way through for the superb guitar and keyboard work that pops up frequently.

Nov. 14, 2010: Here are excerpts from a review taken from the Arlequins website. To access the full review (in Italian) 
David Minasian is perhaps best known for having directed various DVD's featuring Camel rather than for his own musical productions, yet his experience as a musician began in 1984 with the release of his first solo album entitled "Tales of Heroes and Lovers". "Random Acts of Beauty" is actually the second record issued by Minasian, although the artist has been involved in various musical collaborations over the years. What soon becomes clear is his musical love for Camel, especially since the very same Andrew Latimer appears as a guest on guitar and vocals on the opening piece... David remains the principal actor of this project, together with his son Justin on guitar, playing a variety of keyboards including the Mellotron, piano, pipe organ, Moog and harpsichord... He also serves as the lead singer... The thing that David does best is undoubtedly create smooth, sweeping keyboard orchestrations that are used as a bright backdrop upon which are projected shadows of melodic lines.

Perhaps due to the participation of Latimer, the 12 minute long track "Masquerade" boasts an impressive affinity with Camel's most romantic repertoire... The sound of the keyboards is very elegant, with a clear intention of inserting a few strategic points of harpsichord, while the Mellotron provides an almost constant presence. These clever and tastefully processed orchestral elements are definitely the most valuable assets of the album. For upon this soft blanket, Latimer's guitar glides along romantically creating a great atmosphere. The whole album is one of carefully refined textures which play a crucial role in lifting the melody and forging powerful sensations... ultimately a wonderful disk that can be appreciated by fans of Camel, Porcupine Tree and Pink Floyd's "Dark Side".

Nov. 11, 2010: Here are some excerpts from an amazing Prog Archives review. To access the full review 
Entitled Random Acts Of Beauty, never was a title more fitted to the music contained therein, because this is simply exceptional and has taken, for me, the lead in the race for album of 2010... David Minasian's old chum, the great Andy Latimer, provides guitars for the opening track, Masquerade, and, well, what an exceptional sound is produced. A track which has soaring guitars, clever piano and other keys, wonderful rhythm, and such an uplifting feel to it, you really are transported to a higher plane listening and immersing yourself in it. So, can this feast to the ears be replicated on the remainder of the album? The answer, I am extremely glad to report, is a resounding yes... What Minasian has created here is nothing less than a modern symphonic masterpiece. In fact, the utilisation of all the instruments on this, including quite the most magnificent woodwind, orchestral keyboards & piano, and some wonderful guitar work from both Latimer and (Justin) Minasian make this, to these ears, akin to a classical music suite transposed to the rock arena - this, of course, being what the finest symphonic acts of the "classic" era did...

Storming The Castle starts off with a medieval folk passage that wouldn't be out of place on a Blackmore's Night album, and the harpsichord and woodwind playing is pure classical symphonic folk. Quite utterly stunning (I'm sorry about the superlatives, but I can't help it!). The track then morphs, completely unexpectedly, into a hard riff dominated by growling guitars and swirling synths, backed by a strong rhythm. This man can rock as well as orchestrate, and I can assure all lovers of hard/heavy prog that he does it very well... Blue Rain slows proceedings down again. Seven and a half minutes of hauntingly, achingly, beautiful music, backed by moving and clearly deeply personal lyrics. The guitar solos produced simply has to be heard to be believed, and there is also more very clever use of woodwind. The longest epic is Frozen In Time and opens with bombastic synths before, again, the oboe, piano, and electric guitar combine with percussion and bass to produce an uplifting, toe tapping wonder. This track clocks in at over fourteen and a half minutes and, as one would expect, contains many time and mood shifts, but the musical movement is never anything less than soaring, and there is more very clever guitar (acoustic & electric) work contained in this. We also have the finest piece of church organ playing since the mighty Wakeman stepped up to the alter in Awaken on Going For The One... The playing really is astounding. As guitars, piano, and woodwind bring the piece to a close, a completely wordless song speaks volumes.

Summers End begins peacefully with sorrowful vocals, piano and harpsichord, all creating a melancholic sound, but not darkly melancholic. The album is too uplifting for that... The closer, Dark Waters, is a quiet and thoughtful instrumental which, again, produces quite the most haunting woodwind and keyboard work, before expanding with another massive guitar break. The denouement, in the finest tradition of the best classical pieces, fades away almost silently with piano to leave us wondering just what a journey the composer has taken us upon, and, crucially, why is it over? For my money, if you buy no other album in 2010, make it this one... This is an album of such outstanding power, beauty, and powerful beauty, that it simply cannot be ignored... This album deserves the support of everyone who calls themselves a prog fan and is, in my mind, an absolutely essential masterpiece of modern symphonic rock.

Nov. 9, 2010: Here are some excerpts from a review found on the Dutch website BlastBeat.

David Minasian is an entirely new name for me and what is immediately striking is that his voice is incredibly good. The first song makes that immediately clear... Clearly not a typical rock or metal vocalist, but one for beautiful songs and he does it very well. In addition to being a keyboardist, singer, and composer, David is also a filmmaker... The first song Masquerade begins very quietly and serene with his beautiful voice, which then becomes slightly stronger in the second half... This is well made Prog and sounds as if it came from the 70's... Nice long tracks (there's only seven songs) which allows you time to dream.

Nov. 6, 2010: Excerpts from the DPRP's review of Random Acts of Beauty are below. To locate the full review 
Apparently it was the encouragement of Andy Latimer that led to the release of this album and appropriately the Camel guitarist lends his talents to the opening track Masquerade. Minasian himself provides an array of keyboards (grand piano, mellotron, harpsichord, Moog, pipe organ) along with acoustic 12 string, classical guitar, bass and drums. In addition to his multi-instrumental abilities he's a more than capable singer sounding not unlike a cross between Justin Hayward and John Lodge... Mr. Latimer is on hand to supply an archetypical soaring guitar solo as well as his recognisably dulcet vocal tones to bring the song to a close. Chambermaid is based around the albums most compelling choral hook and this time the melodic lead guitar is provided by Minasian's 20 year old son Justin although it could have easily come from the hands of John Lees of BJH fame. The instrumental Storming The Castle allows father and son to flex a little more musical muscle with a raunchy guitar and synth break that sits comfortably alongside the more symphonic parts.

The atmospheric ballad Blue Rain returns to the serenity of The Moodies whilst the albums lengthy centrepiece Frozen In Time again picks up the instrumental pace with a punchy but tricky section that brings PFM to mind. The latter also features a very attractive and impressively played classical guitar interlude from Justin. The penultimate Summer's End wears its Barclay James Harvest credentials firmly on its sleeve with soaring guitar flights and orchestral keys to the fore complete with mellotron crescendos. This would have been very much at home on BJH's classic Everyone Is Everybody Else album and it also has more than a hint of The Enid about it in its classical aspirations. The same could be said for the concluding piece Dark Waters which despite the implications of the title provides a suitably uplifting instrumental finale... In addition to the aforementioned acts this release should also appeal to fans of The Alan Parsons Project. It's certainly a beautifully crafted album.

Nov. 3, 2010: From Progwereld comes these review excerpts. To locate the full article (in Dutch) 
Composer, producer and filmmaker David Minasian has an impressive resume behind his name, best known in our world for his work with Camel. In 1996, he produced and directed the Camel concert video "Coming Of Age" followed by the Camel documentary "Curriculum Vitae"... Andy Latimer plays guitar and sings on Masquerade, the opening track. Personally I thought it was a very emotional moment hearing Latimer sing again... That the man has enormous talent is not forgotten, borne out by the wonderful guitar solo heard here... What beauty. And his singing is just as beautiful. Fragile but strong. The whole number breathes Camel... That Minasian holds Camel in high regard is obvious by the rest of the numbers... Pure symphonic rock with lots of beautiful guitar work. The bulk of the guitar solos comes from the hand of David's son, Justin Minasian. In terms of sound and building his solos, he comes close to the work of Latimer. Just listen to his amazing guitar solo on Dark Waters, you can't get enough of it... Minasian is obviously a fan of medieval music. In some pieces, there is a lot of harpsichord and other medieval instrumentation... Ultimately, Minasian delivers to us a fine album. The numbers Blue Rain and Chambermaid are clear evidence that he can make great symphonic rock.

Nov. 1, 2010: From the Lords of Metal magazine comes these surprisingly good excerpts (it is, after all, a metal magazine). To access the full review (in Dutch) 
Wow! Andy Latimer is back... Suddenly there is this debut CD of David Minasian and I am completely stunned: Andy Latimer is on the album. Unbelievable. It feels so good to hear from him. Minasian is known as the director of the Camel DVD 'Coming Of Age ', a fantastic live recording of a great band. Besides his work as a director, the man has spent years making music. He primarily focuses on writing long pieces featuring melodic keyboards and has an audible passion for symphonic music (Moody Blues, Pink Floyd, Genesis, and of course Camel)... The first twelve minutes of the album 'Random Acts Of Beauty' make it a mandortory purchase. The song 'Masquerade' is all about Andy Latimer, or rather, Latimer's guitar... I cannot find words to describe it. Latimer has a unique sound and like in his Camel days, I am deeply touched. He even sings a verse as well...

The six remaining tracks are all very melodic and can be described as progressive, symphonic, and even baroque (because of the frequent use of both the harpsichord and mellotron). Music fans who appreciate Kayak, the Alan Parsons Project and the bands mentioned above, will love this music. Long compositions with important parts for the keys but also great guitar parts. These guitars are played by young Justin Minasian, David's twenty year old son. A gifted talent. He is clearly influenced by Andy Latimer and sound wise he is close to the master ('Summer's End'). To accentuate the melancholy and romance in his music, Minasian uses instruments like oboe, flute, and various keyboards. The long instrumental piece 'Frozen In Time' deserves special mention where father and son search for each other's musical boundaries. A beautiful track in which we hear Mike Oldfield, the orchestral bombast of Marillion, along with the masterful acoustic guitar of Justin Minasian in the tradition of Latimer and Steve Hackett.

Oct. 21 - 31, 2010: Here are some more amazing reactions to the album:

My interest in this CD came from the special guest appearance of Andy Latimer on the first track "Masquerade"... A great beginning for Random Acts Of Beauty but the rest of the album is not to be considered weaker in any way... All the songs are well crafted and performed... I've enjoyed listening to this CD from beginning to end and it will find it's way to my CD player many more times. Random Acts Of Beauty can certainly be recommended to fans of classic symphonic progressive rock. Good stuff!!!! (Marc)

Random Acts of Beauty is a great album. I was only aware of David Minisian as the producer of all the Camel DVD's. So it was a pleasant surprise when I heard that he was coming out with an album featuring Andy Latimer from Camel. Having recovered from a serious illness, Andy is in the finest form ever. David's composition is thoughtful, emotional, and majestic in it's own right. His son Justin is a highly accomplished guitar player at a young age. And this compilation of music with both of their efforts combined results in a melodic, moving experience for your ears. So let go, let it flow, and enjoy. I immediately ordered two more copies to give to friends as soon as I heard it. David Minisian has a very promising future. (William)

This cd really delivers for those of you who grew up on the progressive music of the 70's as well as people who have newly discovered this type of genre. Some of these songs take me back to the Moody Blues, Barclay James Harvest, Camel and a couple of passages could have come from the first two King Crimson albums. It will be a real shame if the Minasians remain obscure. Not a bad song in the bunch. Nice to see a father and son duo make cd's like this one! (MW)

Excellent CD with some very beautiful songs... It's music the way it used to be. Beautifully crafted, very melodious and emotional and it deserves a wider recognition. (Jean-Michel)

Amazing album!!!!!! (Bob)

Hi David, I have a problem! I can't get your album out of my cd player anymore! I have to play it over and over again. This is the music I really like best. Thanks for this great GREAT album. I will spread the word here in Holland and among my facebook friends too. People must know about this album. Really love those long atmospheric guitar solos combined with keys! I am glad people still make music like this! (Ed)

Random Acts Of Beauty is simply exciting! (Stefan)

Simply BEAUTIFUL David. (Mike)

Wonderful musical work. I have to admit, Masquerade has captivated me. (Jose)

Without a doubt the album of the year. Stunning in every respect David and I hope the album gets the full recognition it deserves, and I'm sure it will. Thanks to you and Justin for this amazing album. And it's good to hear Andy Latimer playing again. Just sensational! (PF)

SUPERB... everything about the album. (Harry)

I love, love, love the music! It is beautiful! (Deb)

I cannot imagine something any more beautiful and exciting as this. It rates a ten out of ten for me. You will play this often... This is one of those albums that I am having a hard time picking a favorite song. I truly love them all but maybe Masquerade is my fav now. This is my best music purchase this year... This is one of those albums that I consider to be a gift from Dave, even though I paid for it. (Gary)

The piano is beautifully executed throughout the whole album, and there is lots of energy. When pared with beautiful lyrics, it sounds just awesome... If you are into bands like Genesis, King Crimson and Pink Floyd, then I recommend you to buy this album. (Simona)

Oct. 20, 2010: Here are some excerpts from a wild review found on the Soil Chronicles website. To locate the full review (in French) 
"Random Acts Of Beauty" is a premium listening experience which is in total harmony with its sumptuous cover artwork of mysticism, nostalgia, and evanescent beauty. With just seven titles lasting an hour, the aesthetics of this ocean voyage will overwhelm you like the pounding surf captivating your sensitivity... Voluptuous melodies are the result of an ongoing battle between the omnipresence of lush orchestral keyboards on the one hand and frantic and subtle lead guitar work on the other, which continually flirt with excellence. A duality, a complicity, a tangle between organic keyboard lines and guitars that leaves nothing to chance but rather to genetics. For if David, the father, is on keyboards, it is none other than Justin, the son, who officiates the six strings - an example of the sustainability of talent and inspiration through the generations... Structurally speaking, this album is purely and classically displayed "symphonic prog rock". Past inspirations hover overhead and could not be more majestic, such as the influence of Pink Floyd's David Gilmour on "Summer's End" or the sumptuous "Blue Rain". But the list continues with Peter Gabriel-era Genesis, Barclay James Harvest, and King Crimson who can be cited as having rocked the youth of the artist. For his part, DM has confessed to being influenced by the British bands the Moody Blues and Camel which closes the circle when you know that Andrew Latimer himself appears beautifully on "Masquerade".

This pure-prog minstrel has built a production that alternates between the melancholy of an epic fairy tale and the more contemporary - which climaxes in the titanic instrumental "Storming The Castle", a track that will leave you breathless. Fragility, emotion, beauty, and virtuosity are the range of ingredients cooked to perfection in an alchemy of pure delight... Not an ounce of anything bad in a tracklist without downtime or lowpoints, the gears continually moving as necessary to always keep your attention. A recipe of subtlety, beauty, and harmony which immediately immerses you in the charming and cosmic world of the composer (and singer!). Tears may bead on the cheeks of the most emotional, it is a fact. True metalheads and Soil readers should avoid this album at all costs if you're looking for hardcore, ferocious headbanging. For "Random Acts Of Beauty" is a showcase of what any fan of progressive rock worships in all its splendor.

Oct. 19, 2010: Excerpts from Music Waves' review of Random Acts of Beauty are below. To access the full review (in French) 
His biography tells us that his piano teacher had high hopes for young David's career, but that he preferred making films. But it is thanks to this choice that he would ultimately produce and direct several concert DVDs for Camel and become the friend of Andrew Latimer, which we owe the pleasure of hearing on one of the titles from "Random Acts Of Beauty". Musically, despite his references to Camel and The Moody Blues, the style of David Minasian is actually more like that of David Gilmour (the voice is very similar) and even Steve Hackett or Anthony Phillips for some textures... The guitar solo of "Masquerade" is executed by Andrew Latimer, while the others are honorably played by David's 20 year old son Justin.

Oct. 15 - 18, 2010: Reactions to Random Acts of Beauty continue to come in from around the world:

Best album I've heard in years. Absolutely brilliant. Great guitar from Justin and Andy (a legend!). Looking forward to the next one! (Les)

Just had the album shipped over as a surprise birthday present from my partner and wow!!!!!!!! Amazing!!!!!!!! As a huge Camel fan, news of Andrew Latimer playing on Masquerade was mouthwatering and great to hear him again. The whole album is superb with Justin's guitar right up there with the best. Your compositions and fantastic playing make for seven great tracks. The more I listen, I keep getting reminders of early BJH with your haunting mellotron. Many thanks. (John)

A very beautiful album "Random Acts of Beauty" and wonderful to hear Andy back in music again. Best wishes from Denmark. (Mogens)

My congratulations on "Random Acts of Beauty". It's a delicious album and full of sense and sensibility. Latimer's guitar again is a present for us. Thank you David, my best wishes. (JRC)

Very, very occasionally I'll listen to an album for the first time and if the music moves me I'll immediately want to pick up my guitar and play along with it. This is one of those albums. It's so full of emotion, romance, and beauty, the kind that you just don't seem to get in music these days. It's a step back in time and I mean that as a compliment. The construction, the strength of song, and the musicianship by all concerned is just excellent. On my sound system it almost sounds like surround sound. This is not going to be one of those albums I'll just play a few times then let it collect dust. I know I'll be playing this in years to come. (Eggle)

A great album, beautiful and soulful, with a symphonic touch. (Mishana)

Hi David, received the album 'Random Acts of Beauty' today from BeyondRock in Holland. Great album, really something special. Good to hear Andy play again and happy he is ok now after the 'Dark Waters' he had to go through. Thanks for the wonderful music. (Jef)

"Random Acts of Beauty" is a great album! The compositions are fantastic! (Wolfgang)

Just bought the album from Mindawn, David - and it's gorgeous. Melodic, serene or exciting depending on which track you're on. So glad I got it. (Sandy)

Oct. 14, 2010: Here's a partial review from the Proggies website.

David Minasian is a well-known composer and video director who has supplied songs for various films and produced numerous DVD's including Camel's live DVD Coming of Age. Random Acts of Beauty grew out of Minasian's love of 1970's symphonic rock... Minasian's friend, Camel's Andy Latimer, contributes some guitar and vocals to the album's opener Masquerade... David's 20-year old son Justin provides a few edgier six-string moments. David is as talented a multi-instrumentalist as they come, playing keys, some guitar and bass... The album is a strong melodic adventure in the style of the Moody Blues, Barclay James Harvest, 1970's Genesis, and Camel itself. The Mellotron and guitar solos are reminiscent especially of BJH circa 1974-1977.

Oct. 14, 2010: Another excellent review of Random Acts of Beauty, this time from Home Nucleonics. To read the full review 
The genre of this album is easily distinguished as symphonic progressive rock. Epic, almost medieval song structures, heavy keyboard and guitar sounds and... certainly a key element... lots of Mellotron (for vintage choirs, horns, flutes and strings) are featured on this one. Yet, the music doesn't sound as dated as the description may lead one to assume. In fact, Minasian has created beautiful timeless songs... so in a way the album title almost says it all. The opening track Masquerade already shows the direction that all the songs take and it is a good example of the overall sound. This song features Andy Latimer of Camel fame on vocals and lead guitar which is a real treat. Minasian's son Justin plays all other guitar parts and solos on the rest of the album. But it actually isn't the sound of a single instrument that makes this music so special... it's the whole wall of sound that impresses indeed... Random Acts Of Beauty is a great album that brings back an almost lost progressive subgenre that of symphonic rock. But the most important thing is that Minasian shows that this kind of music can still sound very good.

Oct. 14, 2010: The Italian website MovimentiProg had this to say about the album.

The great Andrew Latimer, who has not recorded anything new since 2002, decided to contribute to this record by playing guitars and lending his voice to the opening track, "Masquerade"... Guitars are central in the structure of the album, with a soaring style typical of Latimer reprised by (Justin) Minasian on other tracks, but keyboards and Mellotron also play a vital role. Of the seven very good songs, the wonderful "Chambermaid" and "Summer's End" are particularly memorable.

Oct. 13, 2010: The following excerpts come from the Progressive Area website.

"Random Acts of Beauty" can be described as melodic symphonic rock with a classical touch... The album begins with "Masquerade", a masterpiece of sound imagery. On this piece, Andy Latimer offers a long guitar solo as only Mr. Latimer can... A fantastic opening to the album. "Chambermaid" follows with the gentle voice of David Minasian over acoustic guitar and piano. It is a very dreamy track with beautiful atmospheres, where the keyboards and guitar solos alternate. Next is "Storming the Castle", the first of three instrumentals that starts slowly with a medieval air that quickly turns to give us some heavy guitar riffs without being metal. "Blue Rain" is a beautiful ride featuring the enchanting voice of David Minasian. Tempered with synths, it offers the sounds of flute and harpsichord; magical! David's son Justin Minasian offers a guitar solo worthy of the great David Gilmour... "Summer's End" is one of my favorites. It begins with sensitive piano and voice from Mr. Minasian... Suddenly the guitar makes its appearance and my knees buckle. The conclusion brings shivers, with the mellotron and guitar blending perfectly. To my ears, a very beautiful piece... As you can see, I am very positive about "Random Acts of Beauty". It only happens rarely that we have a chance to listen to an album that transports us into a dream world where everything is beautiful and unique. This album has done it for me.

Oct. 13, 2010: Jason Ritchie of Get Ready To Rock provides his opinion of Random Acts of Beauty. To read his full review 
As you'd expect the music is grand in size and scope, plus the added bonus is it features the first new recorded work since 2002 of Camel's Andy Latimer (Minasian directed the Camel DVD "Coming Of Age"). Andy Latimer adds his vocals and wonderful guitar passages to the opening song "Masquerade", which will come as no surprise to hear it sounds like Camel. The guitar and keyboards on this one really do bring to mind Gilmour led Pink Floyd and Camel, wonderful stuff. "Blue Rain" features vocals and more delightful keyboards along with some drawn out guitar solos from David's son Justin. He really has the touch of Dave Gilmour about his playing but still manages to add his own style in, particularly when the tempo increases on "Storming The Castle", very Yes-like in feel on the keyboards. "Blue Rain" along with "Masquerade" are the album's stand out moments. There is a big emphasis on the keyboards and guitar throughout the album with vocals used sparingly. Not that the listener misses them much as you are drawn into the music and it stands up to repeated plays.

Oct. 13, 2010: Here are a few excerpts from a review found on the Polish website MLWZ. To read the full review (in Polish) 

The album consists of seven tracks (three of them are instrumental compositions), impressively decorated in style, full of rich-sounding keyboards and orchestration, wonderful guitar solos and lots of truly beautiful melodies. The whole album is suspended in the best tradition of symphonic rock with groups such as Barclay James Harvest, early Genesis and King Crimson, the classic recordings of The Moody Blues, and of course Camel serving as inspiration... The author of this disc, the composer of such beautiful melodies, the artist responsible for these pastel-sounding orchestrations... is a certain David Minasian (with instrumental help on this record from his son Justin on guitar and Guy Pettet on drums)... The album "Random Acts Of Beauty" is very atmospheric, bursting with beautiful melodies, lush guitars and lots of ubiquitous synth-orchestral sounds. The atmosphere is reminiscent of the 70s, which is often emphasized by the use of the mellotron and such instruments as harpsichord, acoustic guitars and pianos. This gives the album a very noble, symphonic sound. The fact that Minasian worked for years in the film industry is reflected in the idea that some themes are very illustrative in nature... The warm timbre of Minasian's voice resonates well with the rich orchestral instruments. "Masquerade," the album's opening track featuring Andy Latimer, is the most important part of this release. But songs such as "Chambermaid," "Blue Rain" and the lovely "Summer's End" also make a good impression... "Random Acts Of Beauty" is a very important album, excellently anchored in the climate of 70's symphonic rock.

Oct. 13, 2010: Here are excerpts from a review found on another Polish website called Artrock. To read the full review (in Polish) 
The more than 12 minute composition "Masquerade" features a guitar solo from the 'master' (Andrew Latimer) and he even sings at the end. It's truly endearing and beautiful. His guitar appears four minutes into the track and leaves no doubt that he is on game. Maybe it's too strong of a comparison, but somewhere in the background lurks the spirit and magic of "Ice", one of Latimer's absolutely greatest solos... The songs are mostly long, majestic, romantic compositions enriched with beautiful solos which hold to the rules of classical melodic progrock (the exception being the rather short "Storming the Castle" which begins in style like the others but becomes almost hard rock in the second part)... Lovers of The Moody Blues and Barclay James Harvest should not stray too far away from this disc.

Oct. 12, 2010: This review from France's Cosmos Music can be found if you 

David Minasian is the latest discovery from the home of Progrock Records, and what a find! Obviously, the fact that this American musician has managed to enlist the services of Andy Latimer, his longtime friend for whom he worked as a producer (Coming Of Age, etc.) on the 12-minute introductory title (the best of the album, even if the other 6 tracks are brilliant) should certainly cast Random Acts of Beauty in a positive light. This positive view is quickly confirmed throughout Random Acts Of Beauty's music by its ambitious, full and symphonic instrumental sections led by lyrical keyboards and guitars. A kinship with Camel (Nude, Dust And Dreams) emerges of course, but also reminds the listener at times of Like Wendy due to its romantic, symphonic style. David Minasian is also a most talented singer. Bravo!

Oct. 10, 2010: The following excerpt comes from the Ubersetzer website.

"Random Acts of Beauty" composer David Minasian along with his son Justin on guitar presents us with a style of music known as classical rock which reflects the dreamy and playful world of Pink Floyd. The lion's share of the songs feature refined symphonic keyboards ~ Oboe, flute, violin, harpsichord, and gentle piano sounds are used to create an atmosphere that is mostly quiet over the course of the long pieces. An exception is "Storming the Castle" which begins soft then opens up in the middle with a sprawling solo. Songs like "Summer's End", "Masquerade", "Chambermaid", or "Blue Rain" are rather dreamy and spherical... The multi-part instrumental track "Frozen In Time" is a turning point of the disk with its classic progressive rock style. The long, playful solos over a background of subtly orchestrated keys eventually erupt into a completely aggressive progression. The final track, "Dark Waters", once again features elongated instrumental solos to end the dreamy journey.

Oct. 10, 2010: Here's an excerpt from Sergio's Progressive Music blog. To access the full review (in Brazilian) 
David Minasian is an American musician known for producing DVDs. His most praised effort is the video Coming of Age featuring the band Camel (who needs no introduction). This year he decided to showcase his own songs and launched Random Acts of Beauty, recording many of the instruments himself except guitars... I can say that the guy was very successful. The main influence here is Camel, with slow and steady progressive symphonic rock filled with great guitar solos and keyboards (the CD includes the participation of the great Andrew Latimer on the track which opens the album, the excellent "Masquerade"). There is also the perceived influence of Pink Floyd at times. The songs that stand out are the aforementioned "Masquerade," "Blue Rain", "Frozen in Time" (an almost 15 minute instrumental with alternating delicate and bombastic arrangements and some guitars that are a little more distorted), and "Summer's End," which has a really cool melody and is impressive.

Oct. 5, 2010: This is from the Laser's Edge website:

David Minasian is a film maker that has an association with Camel - he produced their Coming Of Age DVD. He also happens to be a classically trained keyboardist with a passion for progressive rock. Random Acts Of Beauty explores the softer, more melodic side of prog. Andy Latimer guests on the album, contributing guitar and vocals to the lead off track. Minasian throws the whole ball of keyboard wax at us (Mellotron and Moog proliferate) and his son provides the guitar. All in all a nice release that any fan of Camel or The Moody Blues would enjoy.

Oct. 5, 2010: The Music In Belgium website had this to say about the album.

You enter immediately into the thick of things with "Masquerade", with the opening gong, piano, guitar and vocals... Funny, there's something in the guitar and in the tone of the voice that reminds me of someone... Camel! Something inside makes me think "it's impossible to imitate Camel with such precision". I open the CD booklet and notice that on "Masquerade" there is a guest singer and player: Andy Latimer! No imitation. It is the real thing! David Minasian is actually the director of several Camel DVDs, from "Coming Of Age" up to "The Opening Farewell"... A beautiful ballad highlights: "Blue Rain", which is very close to the Alan Parsons Project... The intro to "Frozen Time" is gorgeous, with beautiful bass lines, a rarity for a multi-instrumentalist, recalling the beginnings of Marillion... In conclusion, David offers us beautiful music, and his talent is undeniable.

Oct. 4, 2010: Here's a 5 star review from Dangerdog. To read the full review 
There's nothing random in the beauty of the music found on David Minasian's Random Acts of Beauty. This is eloquent and engaging symphonic progressive rock that will charm your ears as well as your heart and soul... The compositions are lush and sweeping orchestrations with layers of keyboards (a deceptively wicked amount of Mellotron, no less), soaring guitars from his son Justin, and vocal arrangements, both stirring and sublime, almost like a lullaby. Songs like Masquerade or Chambermaid build with effortless pacing showering your ears with profound yet delicate movements. Then the instrumental Frozen in Time evades this subtly with a brisk, energetic, urgency only to be tempered by atmospheric symphonic prog as it concludes. The whole work is thoroughly engaging, and a delight to the senses. With little doubt, fans of classic symphonic progressive rock will find David Minasian's Random Acts of Beauty a brilliant, near flawless, piece of music. And they would be correct. Strongly recommended.

Sept. 15 - Oct. 3, 2010: Here are more random quotes about Random Acts of Beauty from around the web:

I have received your album 'Random Acts Of Beauty'... I have listened to the first track and I already have goose-bumps. There's only one Andy Latimer. Thank you for that brilliant track. (Wim)

Your songs are amazing. Blue Rain is brilliant! (BG)

A super album of fully progressive symphonic suites. (Michel)

Thank you David for your brilliant Random Acts of Beauty album. I've had the cd for a while now, and I'm still totally blown away by the sheer beauty and quality of it. Every single song is nothing short of amazing. This music really touches the heart! Again, thank you! (Peter)

Tears are welling up as I listen to Andy's solo on Masquerade. So glad he's back to good health. Absolutely beautiful. Well done. An amazing album David. (CW)

A beautiful and moving album David. (CS)

All tracks truly are 'acts of beauty', but there's nothing 'random' about them! EXCELLENT. (Amatala)

Excellent. Lovely symphonic prog. Washes of keyboards and melodies. Has Andy Latimer from Camel on guitar and boy does that sound good. He is on fire. (SRB)

A masterpiece! (Karamaz)

This is an album for fans of the Moody Blues and Camel. A beautiful album and a fine discovery (Papartis)

Just purchased as a download. Fantastic! (EG)

You should check out Camel DVD director David Minasian's Random Acts of Beauty. Amazing! (Michael)

I have been listening to your new album constantly since getting it. It's great. My favourite is "Chambermaid". You should release it at a single if one can do it these days. I really love the song, the melody, the guitar solo... I wish you a lot of success. (Jean-Michel)

Sept. 14, 2010: Here's a roughly translated excerpt from a review found in Alertageral. To read the full review (in Portuguese) 
Two or three weeks ago if someone had asked me who David Minasian was, I wouldn't have had the faintest idea. But now I can say that the person in question is the author of one of my favorite records of 2010, Random Acts of Beauty... which features a nice guitar solo from Andrew Latimer of Camel. Latimer's participation is not coincidental since Minasian has directed the British band's DVDs. Camel, along with other progressive stars like Pink Floyd and Moody Blues, are clear influences in the work - the difference here is that Minasian has extracted the more enjoyable aspects of the genre, writing songs that are very melodic... resulting in a beautiful album that should please those familiar with the bands already mentioned... Worth it.

Sept. 4 - 13, 2010: More reactions to Random Acts of Beauty from around the net:

Congratulations on your fantastic new album. For me "Random Acts of Beauty" is the surprise album of the year. It's full of heart and soul, with great musicianship and I am absolutely fascinated by your music. This is a real gem of symphonic progressive rock that should find many enthused listeners. I wish you all the best with this stunning release and cheers from Germany. (Uli - Magic Dragon Music)

At last I've got your CD (with autographs). You've done a masterpiece! This is great music indeed. I love all the tracks, but "Storming the Castle" drives me crazy! My best congratulations to Justin too, he's amazing playing guitar! What can I say, we wish you both all the success in the world, you really deserve it!!! (Glauco)

I love it. Great job writing AND performing. All the tracks are good but I especially like Masquerade and the face of the beautiful model, Ashley! Your son plays a mean guitar and you still tickle that keyboard like no one else I know! Congratulations on a fantastic release. (Joe)

Love your new album (Hans)

Just received my signed copy from Prog Rock. What a beautiful album. It's been in the car for three days, awesome. Congratulations to you and Justin. (Graham)

Masquerade is a beautiful song. I travelled with it with my eyes closed and when I awoke, it's crazy how good it felt... A great moment for fans of Camel with the exceptional participation of Andy Latimer. (Jethro)

Sept. 3, 2010: Here are excerpts from Gert's Harmonic Lizard review.

The album is influenced by Camel (music), The Moody Blues (vocals) and at times the vocals also remind me a bit of David Gilmour. Symphonic progressive rock with lengthy guitar and keyboard solos is what you'd could call it if I have to name a genre. While listening to "Masquerade" for the first time and getting to the point where Andy Latimer, as a guest, starts to play his solo, it raised the hairs on my arms and neck immediately. It's well known what health battles Andy has been fighting and to be honest it's great to hear him play again. The track itself is the prime example of what we are getting on the whole album. Some vocals, but most of the track you will be listening to the keyboards and guitars firing up one salvo after another. The album as a whole gives us two types of songs. We have the ballad type of songs such as "Chambermaid", "Blue Rain" and "Summer's End" where you can feel that the track is being brought to the point where you expect a flaming guitar solo. These songs also have a strong vocal like resemblance of the Moody Blues while of course the guitar and keyboard work has a strong resemblance of Camel...

"Storming the Castle", "Frozen in Time" and "Dark Waters" are the instrumental battles between the keyboards and guitars while having a solid foundation thanks to the bass and drum lines. These songs come very close to Camel's work without copying anything. Best track of the album for me is "Frozen in Time". Having a 14:31 minute track and making sure it's good sounding from the first until the last second isn't that easy (hello Machine Head!) but David makes sure you will be enjoying it note by note. Just some highlights of the track: Lovely organ sounds around 4.50 minutes into the track being followed up by acoustic guitar accompanied by keyboard. Of course while still dreaming away on the peaceful notes of both instruments your ear drums get blown out around 7:10 when the harder stuff is being put in the fire. Conclusion: It's a classic type of album... If you love Camel or the Moody Blues you might want to get this one. If you love melodic guitar solos this is an album you want to have because the quality of those is top notch.

Sept. 1, 2010: Here are some excerpts from Ken Levine's review of Random Acts of Beauty. To read his full review 
This is mostly lush and melodic music that lovingly recalls former symphonic glory days while establishing its own filter on that period. Soaring lead guitars, ethereal keyboards, and melancholic vocals blend appealingly. All are well played, and the song oriented tracks tend to hold together rather well. Apart from a more orchestrally inspired CAMEL, other comparisons might be to the MOODY BLUES, PINK FLOYD, and some keyboard wizzes... In both "Masquerade" and especially "Blue Rain" I do find myself truly awed. If the MOODYS could still produce a composition as transcendent as the latter, with waves of heartfelt verses, choruses and solos, they might be a going concern instead of an oldies revue. Both "Chambermaid" and "Summer's End" are solid songs with thought provoking lyrics... This is a deeply nostalgic work that recalls a more beautiful time, or at least one when we were all more beautiful.

Aug. 13 - Sept. 1, 2010: Reactions to Random Acts of Beauty continue to pour in from around the world:

One of the best prog albums in 10-15 years! I wish you great success. (Avi)

I just got "Random Acts Of Beatuy" and I have to say - it is a great and breathtaking album! Congratulations and thank you David! I am really happy that there still are people who have the bravery and spirit to play this kind of music! I listened to it few times last night and it was like a flight over some fairy tale land! Your music is rich of emotions, full of lovely tunes! Thank you David! All the best to Andy and Justin! (Andrzej)

Congratulations David with your magnificient album and from all of us who are passionate fans of Andy Latimer and Camel it was just breathtaking to hear his lovely voice and guitar playing again. Thank you very much for this beautiful music. (Mogens)

I can't stop listening to your album, it's awesome! Thank you! (Amir)

Hi David!!! Your album is fantastic!!! Is quite impressive to hear Andrew!!!!! Thank you so much. (Josep)

El album esta excelente, muchas gracias David. (Rodrigo)

Random Acts of Beauty is amazing, thank you so much for this. (Rahman)

David - the new album is absolutely wonderful. (Terry)

Hi David, I finally have the album! It's amazing, especially the tracks #1, #6 and #7. Thanks again for the great music. (Ali)

I lost my breath upon listening to the track Masquerade... I've now spent a couple of days with it and I've cried many tears of joy during this time. Such a blessing to hear Andy Latimer again!!! What a beautiful song! (SS)

I played DM's CD twice today... "Masquerade" is a masterpiece of epic proportions, only made extra special by Andy Latimer's vocals and guitar wizardry. I can only hope that on his next release David can at least meet, let alone exceed, what he's given us this time around... Kudos to you on this amazing feat you've accomplished! (CT)

Aug. 12, 2010: Excerpts from a wonderful Amazon UK review are below. To read the full review 
I was waiting for this album with eager anticipation for months after listening to the sound clips on David Minasian's website... Needless to say I wasn't disappointed. Blown away would be nearer the mark. David Minasian has crafted a superb piece of melodic progressive rock that shows strong influences from Camel, early Genesis and the Moody Blues, but stands on its own as something truely distinctive in its own right... Opening with Masquerade, David's 'Justin Hayward-style' vocals are augmented by those of Andy Latimer of Camel. Andy contributes his trademark guitar and it's wonderful to hear him again; he is, as always fantastic. David's keyboards are stunning. You can pick up hints of Peter Bardens and occasional bits of Rick Wakeman, but his sound is very much his own. Chambermaid introduces us to David's son, Justin, on guitar. A cross between Andy Latimer and Steve Hackett, he plays fantastically, with a soaring guitar sound that immediately gets under your skin. I must confess to being a big fan of the guitar and I've rarely heard it played so beautifully... Blue Rain builds from a gentle vocal/keyboard introduction into stunning guitar passages that are intensely beautiful; the counterpoint with the rippling keyboards is striking. Frozen in Time is the longest track, composed of a series of flowing segments, varying from quiet acoustic passages to the most rock-oriented on the album. The musicianship is faultless and the interplay of David and Justin is a joy to listen to. Summer's End builds on this interplay and Justin's guitar solos are wonderfully emotive... Intensely melodic, emotive and uplifting, no one else sounds like this. I love this album already.

Aug. 12, 2010: Here's an excerpt from a rather favorable review that appeared in a hard rock/metal magazine (How could this be???). To read the full review 
David became good friends with prog rock legend Andrew Latimer of Camel and he actually encouraged David to record this full length album, and a good idea it was... The use of the spacey keyboards throughout the record adds an almost heavenly feel to each song, building the momentum nicely to give way to some excellent guitar solo leads.

Aug. 6, 2010: Here are some excerpts from Tarcisio Moura's review of Random Acts of Beauty. To read his full review 

I had never heard of this keyboardsman, but I'm glad to have found this beautiful symphonic prog gem. The sound is mostly gentle and dreamy, but - as any good symphonic rock is - it has many moods and swings. Some surprisingly heavy ones too like the second part of 'Storming the Castle' (great guitar riff!). One hour of pure great music that does not have a single second of boredom on it. The musicanship involved is astonishing... Blessed with a very good production, David Minasian's album is a startling showcase of his incredible talents as a musician, songwriter and arranger... I'm looking forward to listening to his future works. Highly recommended!

Aug. 2, 2010: The first extensive review of the album Random Acts of Beauty was posted by AtomicCrimsonRush on the Prog Archives website. Below are some excerpts. To read the full review 
After hearing the latest release from David Minasian I feel my spirit has been lifted up and it brings emotional warmth, such is the power of the lyrics, the huge keyboard motifs and dynamic guitar breaks... The opening composition 'Masquerade' is a master work of aural imagery... The piano is beautifully executed throughout. The mellotron embellishments are superb and atmospheric... The way the chords ascend reminds me of the uplifting sounds of Pink Floyd. One can feel the emotion in the music... 'Storming The Castle' opens with a medieval feel with woodwind sounds and a pleasant piano motif... The return of the synth riff follows and then a blistering lead guitar by Justin with frenetic arpeggios and speed picking that is a sheer delight. The exuberant speed and fractured time signature is a far cry from the works heard previously making this stand out as a rocking instrumental with outstanding riffing. One of my favourites on the album certainly. 'Blue Rain' is a work of aching beauty that brings things down again after the previous onslaught... David's layered harmonious vocals chime in with some reflective lyrics of poetic beauty that really touches my emotions... A gorgeous guitar lucidly flows over the musicscape. Justin's guitar has some beautiful licks in a similar style to David Gilmour... 'Frozen in Time' is a masterful atmospheric symphonic instrumental... 'Summer's End' is a tour de force of melancholy nuances... The fret melting lead work on this track is inspirational. A very strong definitive highlight of the album... The album is a work of beauty.

July 25 - Aug. 1, 2010: With Random Acts of Beauty now released, early reactions are beginning to come in from around the world:

I've been a fan of progressive rock for more than 30 years and I recently found your CD Random Acts of Beauty. I just wanted to tell you that I loved the record! It reminds of a time when good music ruled and we had so many great albums coming out each month. Your music is special and poignant. I can't describe the emotions I felt while listening to it, but I can guarantee that very few albums do that to me nowadays. It was pure joy. I'm glad I'm able to spread the word that such fine music is out there. And I'd like to thank you very much for sharing with us, the fans, the gift of your music. Most of my friends here in Brazil also liked the CD very much. We don't have a big prog comunity here, but the ones who are here are quite enthusiastic about such melodic and emotional work. This is truly music from and for the heart and soul. Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to hearing your next release. (TM)

I have heard your CD and after the first notes from Andrew, I began getting goose bumps and tears in my eyes. It's so good to hear Andrew after 7 years. (Glenn)

Excellent music & album! Great to hear Andrew Latimer in action again as well. Glad he's doing better. Love the sound of his voice and his guitar work. (Siddhartha)

Your album is fantastic!!! It is quite impressive to hear Andrew!!!!! Thank you so much for your music!!! (Josep)

I had a lump in the throat while listening to Masquerade. Not only is this a beautiful piece of music but when Andy Latimer comes in with a stunning melodic solo, the hairs on the neck were standing to attention and it was so good to hear him play with such passion. Just when I thought this could not get any better, Andy does a little cameo singing spot which brought a tear to my eye. Utterly magnificent. This is going to be hard to beat as the album of 2010. (NF)

June 9 - July 24, 2010: Here are more of the incredible reactions we've been getting to the soundclips that we've posted from Random Acts of Beauty:

I've just listened to your clips and they are amazing. Looking forward to the CD. Hope it releases soon, I'll be waiting. (Ali)

Looking so forward to this being released! This is what good music is all about and I'm so pleased that Andy was and is well enough to add his contribution. What I've heard so far sounds so very beautiful. (Sharon)

Wow... just hearing the music samples on your website gives me chills!!! Can't wait to hear the full songs!!! (Jim)

Awesome music. Music as it should be. (Motasim)

It seems to be an album of the year! I am looking forward to the CD! The music samples on your website are just great! (Andrzej)

David, your album sounds great. I cannot wait for the release. It is fantastic to hear Mr. Latimer again. All the best and thanks for your music. (Rodrigo)

Beautiful tracks. Bravo! (Mimi)

I feel like a 5 yr old waiting for Christmas. Seriously, the most anticipated release of the year. (Mal)

Waiting for your beautiful work. (Fernando)

I am very excited!! I am so excited that I can't keep myself from typing without exclamation points!!!! (Paul)

I love your sound and your son sounds awesome. (Joe)

I'm loving the music so far. (Randall)

It sounds like a must for fans of melodic symphonic prog. (Ken)

Wow, Andy's solo is amazing! THE KING IS BACK!!! (TS)

I've just checked out the excerpts for the first time, and I've got to say - very impressive! The melodies and instrumentation are all right up my street. I'm looking forward to hearing the final result. (Glenn)

Apr. 27, June 8, 2010: Here are some of the reactions we've been getting from around the world to the audio excerpts we've posted from Random Acts of Beauty:

This album is one that I'm definitely looking forward to. From what I've heard so far, it's going to be a great addition to my collection and one that I'll be listening to a lot. (Glenn)

Thanks David for these excerpts. The music in there is wonderful. Can't wait to listen to the whole project. I am a big Andy Latimer fan. It sounds so great. (Sam)

Wonderful soundclips. Looking forward to the cd... Great to hear Andy's guitar again... sends shivers down my spine and awakens emotions I never thought I had. (Stephen)

This is going to be one AMAZING album; the clips sound beautiful. I can't wait for the release date! (Nick)

Phew... Amazing!! Breathtaking!! (Peter)

Wow! The music is great. Andy�s guitar sounds fresh and strong. (Avi)

I had the samples playing while doing some work in the office. They repeated numerous times. The music came across as being very mature, as though it were an old friend that I'd not seen in years. I agree that there is only one word to describe the emotion... WOW! (CT)

One word... WOW. (MM)

Absolutely stunning. Unbelievably brilliant. (DM)

Fantastic Dave... itching to hear the whole piece. (RM)

Amazingly beautiful. Andy's playing always touches my heart. (SF)

After hearing the first few seconds, I suddenly started crying. I wonder what the magic of Andy's guitar playing style is that makes me cry from the very first note! (Pasha)

How fantastic it is to hear Latimer's guitar again! I can't wait for this release. (Geir-Jakob)

They have not yet written words to describe what this music does to me. Emotional wreck is as near as I can get plus perhaps, friggin' awesome! (NF)

OMG! This is so beautiful. (Mia)

One word - BEAUTIFUL (GE)

Wow!!! That blew me away... stunning... amazing... (CW)

The sample tracks are so great, cannot wait for the release! (NO)

Stunning. (ME)

Absolutely wonderful, Dave. Many, many thanks for the teaser. This album must be the most anticipated release of the year. (Mal)

Absolutely breathtaking... I can't find the words. Sheer beauty and emotion! Can't even begin to express how wonderful it is to hear Andrew play again! Pure magic!!! (SS)

Sounds amazing. This is going to be a revelatory album for me in 2010. Can't wait to hear Mr. Latimer in action again. (NS)

Mar. 8, 2010: David Saunders, highly respected musicologist from Scotland had this to say about the song Summer's End:

Words fail me. I just love this with a passion. Utterly fab. Classic Moody Blues comes to mind at first and I can now understand why David wanted Justin Hayward to appear on the album. I adore the mellotron sound. As on Blue Rain, we once again enter classic John Lees/Like Wendy territory with an amazing guitar solo so full of melody it makes the hair rise on the neck. All in all a fabulous track. My mouth is watering just waiting to hear the full album now. Many thanks to David for the advance listen.

Jan. 7, 2010: Justin Hayward, legendary vocalist, guitarist, & composer for the Moody Blues had this to say about the song Blue Rain:

It's a lovely song... I really like the feel of the vocal on there... The guitar solo sound is fabulous and it's a very Moody track. I'm sure it will be a great album for David.

Dec. 14, 2009: David Saunders, highly respected musicologist from Scotland had this to say about the song Blue Rain:

Well guys and gals, I have just had the pleasure of listening to a track from Dave Minasian's forthcoming album. The song is called Blue Rain and it's 7 and a half minutes of class. The song begins with a solo piano and then haunting oboes are introduced over a backdrop of lush synths very reminiscent of Camel at their most symphonic. Then we enter into Moody Blues/Barclay James Harvest territory with John Lodge style hushed vocals over those gorgeous oboes. The track also reminds me somewhat of the Paul Cusick track Fade Away in the same symphonic style. Things pick up with drums and bass coming in during the next verse and there is no doubt the influence on this track from the aforementioned bands. Just when you think you have heard it all, in comes a lovely harpsichord which reminds me of Denis Quinn's excellent Open Secret and then a superb guitar solo that John Lees or Justin Hayward would be proud of. The piano comes in again and a final chorus and guitar reprise brings this superb song to a close.

If this is a taster of things to come then I cannot wait. I have heard some of David's older material but this is a big step up to my ears. I cannot thank him enough for allowing me to hear this song. All I can say is that this is shaping up to be something special if this song is an example of what is going on the album.

Nov. 21, 2009: Paul Lani, Producer/Mixer for Rod Stewart, Megadeath, Shania Twain, David Bowie, Prince, U2, Motley Crue, etc., had this to say about the album's first three tracks:

Beautiful stuff... all the tracks are very strong.

Masquerade - Very beautiful orchestral textures, the mellotron is great, vibey vocals. This almost has a sorta kinda Pink Floyd vibe which I love. Also cool melodies and counter melodies. Harpsichord is awesome.

Chambermaid - Also very cool stuff, ethereal, haunting, beautiful, great arpeggio runs, great lead guitar, cool.

Panic Attack - All great. Love the ye olde fairy tale beauty then big rock! This almost has a trace of a vibe like the band Muse would do. Very cool.

Dynamic, visual, regal, delicate, rude, and ultra musical. It's the kind of music that you don't just listen to, but you actually step inside it and experience it.

All content except reviews property of David Minasian copyright 2010/2026. All Rights Reserved.